Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Windows 7 Blue Screen Sound Blaster Audigy

Fog & Frogs

Prende il via la IV° edizione di Fog&Frogs, concorso Musicale per Band emergenti.
Qui Below is some information on how to enter the competition.
The complete rules (as well as other information) may be requested by sending an email to


L 'Union of Youth Information Sorbolo Mezzani and organizes the fourth edition of the musical Fog & Frogs.


The competition is open to Bands, SINGLE Musicians, or singers. Artists and groups can participate with any level of experience. Participants should only submit pieces of their own creation.
musicians making the application must be aged between 14 and 35 years.


The organization will select the participating groups on the basis of materials submitted. To participate will be necessary to deliver Informagiovani (or possibly send):

- a CD containing at least three original songs and new songs. The CD must state clearly on the band name and song titles

- a brief biography of the group

- data of each band member, telephone numbers and an e-mail to be used for communications

- Per i minorenni è necessaria l’approvazione dell’iscrizione da parte di un genitore, o di chi ne fa le veci

- Una copia integrale del bando di concorso firmata da tutti i componenti della band


Il materiale dovrà pervenire entro il giorno 22 maggio 2008. Chi intende inviare il materiale, anziché consegnarlo personalmente, dovrà spedirlo all’indirizzo dell’Informagiovani (informagiovani of Sorbie and medium, via Gruppini 4, 43058 Sorbolo [PR])


The organizers reserve the right to refuse or unsubscribe in the following cases:
- groups that have entered incorrect data, false, incomplete or illegible;
- groups who, for whatever reason, they fail in their commitment to the organization;
- each group must ensure the availability to provide their own amplifiers for the evening (the battery will be supplied by the organization to overcome problems of stage change): the groups that refuse will not be allowed or dismissed from the competition.
- Each artist will have for its performance, a time of 30 minutes. In the case of organizational needs that the time may be modified, increased or reduced by the organization.


The winning group will perform live at the 'Beer Festival' to Sorbie, Friday, July 4, 2008.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Feeling Dizzy And Off Balance

photographic exhibition in the former stables - Civic Center

Isolario Marco Campanini March 15 to April 6

Photographic Exhibition
Civic Center Sorbolo
Isolario Marco Campanini March 15 to April 6