Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Filmy Online» Bollywood Pl



29-30 November 2008
II Tournament for PlayStation 2

Are you ready for the challenge?

What are you waiting? Sign Up!

Registration will close Tuesday, November 25

Application Form

Send the completed form to:

Fax: 0521 669649

or call:
0521 669648 Office (IG)

Union and Sorbolo Mezzani
Department for Educational Services
With the support of
Project SMS

(Pro Evolution Soccer 9)

Upon registration this Regulation is considered accepted in its entirety by each participant , paper copy of this and will be viewable on request.

The maximum number of participants by stage is set at 24, with each participant, for membership
occurred, will be included in a group of 4 teams for a total of 6 rounds
appointed numerically in ascending order, which will compete in all games at once
90 ° for 10 minutes; then each participant will play a minimum of 3 games ; will be assigned the following ratings:

• 3 points in If you win
• Points 1 for a draw
• Points 0 in case of defeat

the first 2 finishers from each group and four best third advance to the next step in case
of a draw after the group stage, to award the next round will take into account the following
variables in the order include:

1. Outcome of direct confrontation
2. Goal difference
3. Greater number of goals scored

if not reached the maximum number of participants, or 24, the group will be changed so you still get to the next stage of 16 teams;
if the players fail to appear for the tournament, leaving a hole in a round
will be given to players that round table with a victory in a 3-0 result;

The 24 pairs of players who will pass the group stage will be included in the board
completion of which will be taken into account the position reached in the previous phase,
matching the top teams with the second or third in the event of a repechage;
at this stage of the tournament participants will clash with dried at 90 games lasting
10 minutes in case of a tie there will be extra time silver goal rule and finally
penalties, you with these criteria will continue until the end.

• Camera: Default On
• Teams: Club (no updates or changes)
• Terms of the form players: Excellent
• Difficulty: Standard
• Substitutions 3
• Duration 10 minutes meeting
• Extra time is (Silver goal)
• Penalty Kicks will
• Video Mode 50 Hz
not listed above will be left under the default settings, or
those initials.

• Each participant can choose the team you want as long as it falls
written above, communicated to the staff before playing and will be required to use the same throughout the
life of elimination, who will qualify per gli scontri diretti, sarà libero di
cambiarla se lo desidera.

• Sarà possibile fermare il gioco un massimo di 3 volte e comunque sempre con la palla non
in movimento e con previa comunicazione all'avversario.

• Il settaggio iniziale della propria squadra dovrà avvenire in tempi brevi, al massimo 3
minuti, questo per non compromettere i tempi di svolgimento del torneo.

• Ogni partecipante è tenuto a PORTARE il proprio PAD.

• E' concessa la modifica della configurazione dei tasti e dei settaggi of players, each participant
However, the obligation of its first game to check that everything is in order in
their gambling habits and if necessary you can contact the
staff organization, in the absence of This device will not be accepted claims
any kind and any beginning or part of the batch already played will be considered valid.

• In case of blackouts or sudden failure (severe to the point
conpromettere the playability of a meeting) of the equipment used
(TV or console) si terrà conto del risultato totalizzato nel primo tempo di gara se
questo si era già concluso e si giocherà il secondo tempo dall'inizio (quindi solo 45
minuti) tenendo conto del risultato parziale virtuale ma non di eventuali ammonizioni,
espulsioni o infortuni.

• Se lo stesso tipo di incidente (vedi punto precedente) dovesse accadere durante uno
spareggio nei tempi supplementari si terrà definitivamente conto del risultato ottenuto
nel primo tempo supplementare se questo si era già concluso, altrimenti in caso di parità
si batteranno direttamente i penalties ever without taking account of any injuries or expulsions

• The staff of the Tournament will be the sole judge of the competition and in case of disputes between
participants can not be resolved by following the letter of this regulation will have the authority to decide
in good faith for the better with regard to the people involved.