Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Decibel Protection For Shooting

Today there are many words, now I just want to send a message.
This is not about politics, it is COMPLIANCE.

Le blogger che aderiscono a questa iniziativa vogliono fortissimamente affermare ad alta voce che NO , non ci stanno. 

Noi PRETENDIAMO il rispetto da chi  "offende gli omosessuali, le loro famiglie e i loro amici insieme e, nella sua concezione utilitaristica, tutte le donne" (P.Patané- Presidente nazionale Arcigay) .
Aderisco con vero gusto a questa inziziativa, perché i finocchi a casa mia sono sempre  molto molto graditi.

Metti un finocchio a cena
(Più fennel for everyone!)

fennel cream
a big fennel (about 300g)
1 / 2 liter of milk about 50 grams of soy
flakes 5 cereals
a teaspoon of nut Plant
a drizzle of extra virgin olive
black pepper (Sichuan, in this case)

Recipe superfast, super easy, super cuddly. In the time of those much-cited "a dance" you'll have a tasty dish, light, warm, comfortable, healthy and full dinner to enjoy while it's cold and raining outside (Required: tv strictly off that certain outputs could not guess just make dishes indigestible).
Slice the fennel very thin (0.5 by mandolin) rinse under running water in a pot and put in any size practice.
Cover with soy milk, add a teaspoon of vegetable nut and bring to a boil. Let simmer until the fennel are soft (10 minutes and are ready for sure), turn off the heat and add the cereal flakes. Let stand for 5 minutes, then spend all of the blender. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil and abundant grated black pepper.
Doses perfect for two hungry people. We welcome also the toast;)


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