Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Spots Indianapolis

Verona unfaithful to Buffi characters

I was very moved when I saw that legendary logo, to Verona unfaithful. Maybe many of you will not say nothing, or little, but to me it says a lot. It was the '90s, tangentopoli had broken out in my town, this satirical newspaper without masters, without sponsors, without which no one had the balls to support it economically, with intelligence and critical spirit in the telling. It was not just a comic of the complaint, but true art with names like Milo Manara (who does not?), Gianni Burato (I have his autograph), Claudio Bigham, Alberto Cavazzuti ... and the director / founder Cesare Furnari, vivacious intellectual who is not più. Spesso i politici locali presi di mira passavano per le edicole della città cercando di comprare tutte le copie possibili, tranne la mia (me la facevo mettere da parte dall’edicolante). Manca alla mia città una cosa così. Sarà uno dei piatti forti di Buffi caratteri: quattro giorni di satira a Verona , il prossimi fine settimana.

Qui il nutrito programma


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