Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wikipedia Raven Riley

I present a passport to the freedom of art writers ...

Crepi l’avarizia, oggi ho deciso di prendere il Passaporto di Frigolandia , anzi di regalarmelo. A chi mi chiedeva “cosa vuoi per il tuo compleanno?...” io rispondevo “soldi”.

“Che brutto, squallido farsi regalare soldi … si c’è la crisi …ma dai!”

“ … non è squallido, è per prendere il Passport Frigolandia . "

" Fried what? ... You mean Arcore? Need a lot of money then. "

" Not Frittolandia, FRI GO LAN DIA. "

" Frigolandia ... "

" Frigolandia , the mythical land of F r i g the d to the r e di Sparagna e tanti altri.”

“Chiapperi …”

“Con 100 euro si prende il Passaporto, si ha diritto a 7 giorni di vacanza a Frigolandia , sconti e, cosa ancora più importante, sostenere la libertà dell’arte …”

Così ho convinto parenti e amici a sganciare il grano e oggi ho fatto il bonifico. Se anche voi siete interessati al Passaporto per la libertà dell’arte, trovate tutte le info cliccando qui:

Mini-Passport 2011

Maybe we'll meet in Frigolandia ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Films Joe Damato On Line

Forum Freshwater

Tonight Blog dell'Alligatore no musicians, but the scribe. Three writers who share dell'Alligatore be friends and live and / or have been near a lake, as myself. With them we will try to understand how the environment affects the writing, the ideas and mood. The lake makes it sad? Romantic? Sweets? Ephemeral? There's a monster in Loch Ness as a? It is a place as another to which they are indifferent? In fact, the three ( Andrea Consonni, Roberto Bonfanti and Nicola Pezzoli), are different authors, such as style, themes, way to propose, thoughts and actions. At least at first sight ...

Consonni (his blog here and ) is also working with the portale Lankelot , è autore di un romanzo molto forte, Wrong , uscito qualche anno fa presso Edizioni Il Foglio (niente a che spartire con Ferrara). Un monologo interiore dinamico e acido sulla crisi morale del nostro paese a partire dalla Brianza e le sue fabbrichette. Se fosse un disco sarebbe punk-rock per come vomita bene sulla nostra società. Tra Boris Vian e Kurt Cobain .

Bonfanti (questo il suo sito Rob ), è autore più classico. Nei suoi tre romanzi ( Tutto passa invano , Uniservice 2007, L’uomo Pedal , 2009, In the back of his eyes , 2010, both Falzea publisher), there is dissatisfaction and a recitation "to remove". Pop-rock? New wave? It reminds me of Dante Arfelli , but if you want a reference to say a closer Troisi moved to the north today. She loves reading-concert with musician friends (not for nothing was the owner of a independent music label).

Pezzoli (hence his blog Uncle Scribe) is funny and outspoken. Rock songwriters, including complaint and autobiography. His Serving Tondelli è un romanzo pubblicato da Kaos edizioni , editrice specializzata in libri sui casi più scottanti della nostra povera patria, e questa la dice lunga. Il sottotitolo, Viaggio tragicomico di un autore inedito nel mondo editoriale , dice ancora di più. Pezzoli racconta con ironia e senza nascondere nulla la sua esperienza nel mondo editoriale di casa nostra, molto meno dorato di quel che si pensa. Autore prolifico di romanzi e racconti inediti pubblicati spesso e volentieri sul suo blog con un seguito sempre più crescente. Bukowskiano dichiarato.

Citati così, in rigoroso ordina alfabetico di nickname, come cercheremo di mandare avanti questo forum non appena avranno parcheggiato le loro barchette nella mia palude. Gettate gli ormeggi…

Monday, March 7, 2011

Castle Toy Hutch Wood Plans

Frigidaire and naked opposition

Once again the critic Achille Bonito Oliva nude F R I G I D A I R E . This time in the centerfold. Again Frigidaire against the hypocrisy of false intellectuals waving his underwear remaining clothes, fake artists without art, the moralists without moral ...

A number outrageously beautiful, on sale from tomorrow, March 8 (random?). Obviously there will be also my reviews of two different CDs, but very precious: Lingalad (those with the true Tolkien in the heart, with a CD released late last year to listen) and Ofeliadorme (band debut One of the best debuts of the year). Both have passed on the blog ...


A naked hypocrisy against the dominant

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hot Topic Gift Card Number Generator

Almost out of the way to go to Gino Strada

I had told friends that had to leave earlier. I imagined the huge crowd for one of the first events of the world we want , the manifesto of Emergency for P to c and ... and then run, said his friend Parma at the wheel. And he runs, while talking about how everything happens on these occasions (five up), not realizing the output for Rovereto friend brakes at the last minute and a hair do not go off road. It would have been the last straw. Out of the way to go and see Gino Strada . Be 'at the end, no harm to people, maybe a few scratches to the car. At the limit, there would be near one of the best surgeons around.

We leave the motorway at Trento, return and come to M A R T Rovereto when Gino Strada has already begun to talk recently. Inside, however, there is no place (like when I went to hear Terzani for meetings Letters against the war). Outside there is a large screen in front of the crowd focused. I insert into the fray to become an icicle, but happy to hear about peace. Yes, because I am born pacifist full (it's my identity stronger), and I find it necessary to raise the P to c and, as an absolute value, in this historic moment, with la guerra accettata come inevitabile, giusta, un prodotto da pubblicizzare nelle scuole. E allora serve un manifesto per la pace, tipo quello di Russell-Einstein , citato non a caso da Strada .

Davanti al maxischermo nel freddo di Rovereto, le parole di Strada (e di Maso Notarianni accanto), mi scaldano. Se, come ricorda il fondatore di Emergency , più del novanta per cento del parlamento italiano votò nel 2001 per la guerra all’Afghanistan in contrasto con la nostra Costituzione (e poi in Iraq and then the more compact in the refinancing of so-called humanitarian missions), there is something wrong in the political system. But it is not something only Italian, is the international economy to dictate policy. A war economy. They are reflections that arise from the discussion, questions from the public, including us. These things are so obvious that no one can deny, but we go on like this, to the cheating ... well, we've been inside.

The world we want is a poster simple and straightforward, as the discussion during the meeting. References to his responsibility for a political class with their backs to the wall, after the fall of that famous Wall . There is a unique system to dominate since then, and this dictates the political agenda, with cuts to public health, the school culture. A war on the poor at home, the war in the world. This too is in the manifest.

eventually managed to enter. Standing witness to the latest beats. It speaks well of the monthly magazine of Emergency , on newsstands soon (the first issue in April), with so many fellow S t r to d us to write to them. Directed by Gianni Mura (funny video / exchange of words) and Maso Notarianni . I hope to be successful, in a systematic way to spread a culture of P to c and . We need extreme.

Calendar of meetings

E: the monthly Emergency

The poster "The World We Want"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rolling Tray Blueprints


Questa sera sul blog dell’Alligatore arrivano i Synusonde , che ringrazio subito per aver anticipato di un giorno l’arrivo nella palude, per la loro musica, per l’impegno nella ricerca di qualcosa che vada un po’ più in là del semplice concetto di canzone. Sì, perché è questo che colpisce ascoltando il recente Yug , cd uscito per l’indipendente sofisticata Minus Habens Records : musica dinamica, pezzi unici, brani incredibili tra le avanguardie novecentesche e the most modern electronics.

Synusonde I come from the meeting between the electronic composer Paul F. Bragaglia with the classically trained pianist Matthew Ramon Arevalos . Meeting / clash between classic and modern, acoustic and electronic, between emotion and coldness. You seem to see the sounds while leaving the CD player, like a strange magic. It will be the ondes Martenot, an instrument of rare 20s, played in Motetus II by Bruno Perrault ? Maybe because we're not used to looking for new things, and we are amazed when they arrive? Will be many things to say and to emphasize respect Yug. We'll do the interview che va ad incominciare. Pronti Synusonde ?


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kates Playground Wirklich Nackt

Scie d'epoca al museo

- Thanks to a link
Blog Essse I found further evidence of the presence of the trails well before the 90s, beginning the era of deadly project ( put an end to pleasure ) as claimed by each sciacomico good.

Artist: Ansel Adams (American, 1902-1984)
Title: Rails and Jet Trails, Roseville, California
Date: 1953, printed 1974

(source: The Metropolitan Museum of Arts - Metmuseum )

oohh, the trails in 1953!

OOOOHHHH, cross!


Want more?

No, I guess not, right?


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Interview with Serge Gainsbourg, and anniversary book

It was nice to go to bed and wake up with this picture in mind . This is the cover of Gasogramma , the only novel by Serge Gainsbourg . He was on top of the stack of books to read on my bedside table. I had made up his mind because is the smallest but also the sensuality of the image. It was also nice to read it. Dense in eighty pages, the handsome Serge makes you understand the true meaning of art visceral. It is the organic, dramatic and comic at the same time, a famous painter, known for a strange thing: he paints with his butt, that uses a bowel dysfunction to compose his paintings. It is ironic, perhaps self-deprecating, irreverent towards the art world, but at the same time deep, true, true dramatically. An artist, if that, and not a puppet in the hands of business, when something we must put up the guts, the negative and positive inside. From blood to semen in liquid seminal to shit (Artist), its hardships, its ailments. Then it is said that it comes out a sad and dark, but ... this is the case Gasogramma , where you laugh, reflect, we are excited and depressed. It seems incredible how many things I can narrate Gainsbourg eighty-seven pages ... in just

Coincidentally I discovered that today, March 2, 2011, are just two decades after the death of French singer born, lived and died in Paris. I thank my friend and who introduced me to this book and call you to go to his blog if you are interested in a semi-serious Literary Contest (read the post from 28/02/2011).