Monday, May 31, 2010

How To Adjust A Honeywell Pilot Light


Uhlallà, is so long that no trimming a meatball recipe ... I have to fix it. Because we all know, is Golosastra fond of meatballs and never misses a chance to prepare with ingredients that captain in the clutches.
Yesterday my sister has prepared me for delicious meatballs that I'll just make the first opportunity for the blog, but tonight I improvised this recipe for my dinner with Peponzola (this mother, daughter of delicious meatballs), experiencing another ploy delicious taste for tofu.

I often read negative comments on tofu and I'd like to say a few words about it.
Tofu is a food-looking effects, texture and flavor really unattractive, especially for those who interpret it as a 'replacement' of the cheese which, of course, does not even remotely taste.
used by vegetarians and even more by those who have adopted a purely vegan diet, but many are the 'omnivores' and for health reasons (problems with cholesterol or triglycerides) or lactose intolerance, try the approach with this food mysterious. Often with results not very encouraging.
heartily recommend, but the heart of the heart to heart (no, not the keyboard is enchanted and even my mononeurone, is a board actually heard!) to use the Good tofu.
Then notice that supercommerciale found in supermarkets. Prefer a tofu purchased in a health food store, I am sure that with this device and some other trucchettino to cook a dish you can enjoy not only healthy but also delicious.
I have not yet experienced the self, the tofu (and seitan) in my kitchen are a kind of four-veg-jump-in-pan: a wildcard ingredient to solve a meal in minutes.
Just like it happened tonight ...

(and capers and fresh thyme)
doses for a dozen balls
130 grams of tofu
30 g green olives
5 g capers
a tablespoon of fresh thyme breadcrumbs
a tablespoon of olive oil
The process is likely to not be easier! Puree tofu, olives and capers (rinsed and dried well) and a blender with thyme leaves.
Shape with hands into balls the size of a small walnut and roll very well in the breadcrumbs.
Cook the meatballs in a pan with a trickle of olive oil, stirring frequently, for about ten minutes or until golden brown.
notes - that is, in my opinion, the punishment to prepare a larger quantity, bake in preheated oven.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Baby Messages. What To Write


Oh, what happened? LaGolosastra woke up from hibernation? In fact, this blog is a bit 'sleepy, and today's post is nothing but a nod to thank your constant presence in spite of my virtual absence. Because in fact, in real life I'm in this flesh & Ossetti and daily operations.
Alas I'll still be fast, I leave more than a recipe for a 'just' to reinterpret a dish that has long intrigued me. It is a creation of Jamie Oliver I addocchiato, but previously missing ingredients in season (asparagus) and then the inspiration for veganizzarla. But my gourmet vegan guru gave me the inspiration!
The experiment proved a success (in fact the photo was taken at full speed * before the slices were going to steal it ... il vassoio era già stato preso d'assalto),  ma la prossima volta proverò con la pastafillo come previsto nella ricetta originale di Jamie (uh, che confidenza...).
In questo caso ho usato la mia adorata sfoglia di Stelladisale, in pratica questa è (virtualmente) una ricetta a quattro paia di mani (Golosastra, Azabel, Stella e Jamie)!

*sì sì sì, la fretta, le alluvioni, le cavallette... naturalmente mi fischiavano già le orecchie al pensiero dei post di Alessandro !


per la sfoglia (ricetta di StelladiSale )*
150 gr. di farina 00
3 cucchiai di olio evo
un pizzico di sale
un pizzico di bicarbonato
un pizzico di cremor tartaro
vino bianco q.b. per impastare
per la farcitura 
1 mazzo di asparagi verdi
2 patate di media dimensione
2 cucchiaiate di amido di mais
100 ml di panna vegetale

per il crumble (ricetta di Azabel )
70 gr di pistacchi di Bronte non salati, tritati grossolanamente
60 gr di farina 00
1/2 spicchio di aglio
30 gr di olio extravergine d'oliva
10 gr di acqua

Preparate la sfoglia, mescolando rapidamente gli ingredienti senza lavorarli troppo. Lasciate la pallotta impastata a riposare e nel frattempo occupatevi della farcitura.
Pelate le patate (scegliete patate ben farinose, come quelle per gnocchi)  tagliatele a cubetti, pulite gli asparagi eliminando la parte dura e legnosa sul fondo e raschiate con uno spelucchino il gambo per eliminare le foglioline più hard, then cut it into slices about one centimeter and keep the tips.
Place potatoes and asparagus and cook them into the basket to steam until they are tender.
Once ready, let them cool, then pass them to the blender, add cream and two tablespoons of cornstarch. Season with salt and pepper.
Prepare the crumble of pistachios: sift flour, add a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper, half a clove grated and chopped pistachios. Then add the oil and water, stir quickly with your fingers without kneading, must be of large crumbs.
Roll la sfoglia in una pirofila rettangolare, lasciandone anche lungo il bordo, versare all'interno il composto, distribuite sulla superficie il crumble e decorate con le punte di asparagi.
Infornate a 180° per 30/40'.

*in alternativa potete utilizzare la fillo pasta come previsto nella ricetta originale, anche la pasta sfoglia credo sia una variante golosa!