Friday, July 30, 2010

Analog Amplifer Bs Stereo Receiver

Post inutile...


chissenefregaaaa E: D

Oh, the commander does not have bald and I've got to justify my neuro 6,000 per month.

A tip, turn up the volume or use headphones. : D


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Herbal Laxative Tea Walmart

Dedicato ai buongustai

A characteristic Venetian, which strongly suggest especially those coming from San Remo, where you will find 'at ease as if he were at home.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hypnagogic Paralysis Cure


Da quando seguo un'alimentazione prettamente vegan, il piacere del gelato è davvero difficile da assecondare. Nella mia gelateria di fiducia i gusti a base di frutta sono quasi tutti senza latte e senza uova (e pure senza zucchero), ma chevvelodicoaffà, sono una Golosastra e la mia golosità contempla solo ed esclusivamente le creme! Sì, ogni tanto mi accontento di una coppettina di pompelmo rosa e zenzero o di marasca (yumyum) ma non mi danno la soddisfazione di un sacrosanto, cremoso, goloso gelato al cioccolato, alla gianduia, alla nocciola. 

La scorsa estate mi ripromettevo in continuazione di sperimentare, stimolata dagli esperimenti di Manuela , una ricetta golosa e nello stesso tempo priva di latticini e uova. 
Quest'estate, grazie ai ' tips for buying 'of Ciboulette I became the happy owner of an ice cream maker! After some experimentation good yes, but not satisfactory Centoxcento, voila now the first result worth to be posted.
I'd like to share it with virtually the merry gang yesterday that roam the streets of Verona with a beautiful turquoise sky to act as a guide: With Azabel , Konstantina , Valentina and Valentina !

150 ml of rice milk
200 ml cream of rice
70 grams of cane sugar
125 g dark chocolate 60%
60 grams of crispy almond
1 teaspoon soy lecithin
1 teaspoon of agar agar powder
a pinch of sweet salt of Cervia

In a saucepan melt the agar agar perfectly in half a glass of rice milk, let it simmer for five minutes then turn off the flame. Melt the chocolate into small pieces, in a double boiler, with the remaining rice milk.
Combine the two mixtures, add lecithin, a pinch of salt mixing well with electric mixer so that there are no lumps. Add the cream of rice continue stirring with a whisk.
Let the mixture cool in the fridge, then put it into ice cream until you get the desired creaminess (follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your appliance).
roughly chop the crispy (I have killed to the sound of rolling pin!) And add to ice cream directly into the chilled mixing bowl with a spatula.

notes - known as an improvised clumsy, I put a teaspoon of agar agar did not know the precise weight (urgent purchase of sling precision!). The consistency of ice cream produced è di mio gradimento, ben cremosa ma soda, come vedete dalle immagini iniziava a sciogliersi leggermente nell'attesa di scattare le foto, ma il cucchiaino rimaneva 'in piedi' perché la consistenza non era troppo cedevole.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Saccharin Side Effects Gas

Deglutire o non deglutire?

Eh, I know now in order to make the post commander of the need to cling on bullshit anche a cose miserrime.

Come questa:

Straker ha detto...

Notare come il Michele Galloni (Hanmar) deglutisce quando parla di quote elevate. La deglutizione indica che il soggetto sta mentendo.
22 luglio, 2010 17:45


Io pensavo fosse indice di "Diobono, perche' non riesco a resistere ad una bella mela succosa anche quando so che sto per andare in onda?"

A proposito, ora sto deglutendo una Guinness bella pastosa, alla salute di Tim e alla faccia tua, perdente.


Ps: this and 'the link to the registration of the assistance Controradio where "swallow"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sheet Music For Empty Frames

Scoperta la fonte di reddito del comandante

(post updated 15/07, after the initial publication)

Yeah', I could not believe when the ' I have read.

But some statements can be explained only by lobbying on behalf of multinationals.

What statements? These


Straker said ...

Other research confirms that smoking a few cigarettes a day protects against air pollutants and respiratory cancers. That must be why demonize the cigarette?
14 July, 2010 10:14

(source: tankerenemy )

British American Tobacco, Philip Morris and other companies would like to thank.

I wonder 'if they receive cash or checks ...


Straker said ...

I do not care what they say and even ... I enjoy often predict their reactions. They are so predictable that bore me.

regards cigarettes, the chemo, health officers, vaccines etc. certainly will not be insults that will make me change my mind on the rot that surrounds us and which ones are the idiot massiam expression.

A heartfelt "Go to hell," the servants of the regime and to the control of the ministries.
July 14, 2010 20:33

No master, your problem 'that speaks only to give air to the teeth and not worry about connecting the single neuron in the muscles of your fingers.
Ah, you have already 'contacted to find out your IBAN?


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mucus 7 Days Before Period

Heidi, ti sorridono i monti... e le scie? :D

Yesterday, Blog Essse, and 'was re-posted a comment from rosy beautiful hair on the good old Heidi.

Vado sul blog del comandante e leggo basito:

Straker ha detto...

Se qualcuno scova i vecchi cartoni di Heidi, facciamo un rapido confronto. Qualcuno dovrà fornire una spiegazione logica per questo cambiamento.
07 luglio, 2010 10:15

Io avro' anche la memoria dei criceti, ma non ricordo di aver mai visto scie chimiche in Heidi, anche perche' sarebbero state completamente anacronistiche, dato che e' ambientato ben prima che qualunque velivolo piu' pesante dell'aria esistesse.

Bon, vado a vedermi il video in questione e...



Peta ...
Come on, please ...

Let's do a quick search on the tube, the key "symbol Heidi."



But you look at it. : D

Apparently the fake images, video, data and any other thing 'constant sciachimisti fanatics, whatever their nationality'.

And the commander there almost always falls.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Imported Fish Tank Chennai


Ahimé le vacanze sono già terminate, but the return to normal sadness was relieved an envelope that I waited patiently to work. I could not wait to open my parcel to caress my CartoNine ! Remember the post Welcome to CartoNine and contest bicompleanno for Nina?
Yes, while I gathered wind in the sea my love Jemanjà drove a little further south, the little hand Francesca who has fished own Golosastra of the stone, along with the pebbles of Comida !
I love my CartoNine, I can not decide which I like best. And to make matters worse, came in relief in a network, with a shell to make a sentry. I've released, look, smell ...
How do I get the CartoNine? Look here .

Well, now that I've put in the net pebbles, shell fragments of ten and my dream, I gotta get back down to earth. That is, the holidays are over. That left the bikini, we are prisoners of clothes always too hot, the rooms always too full of walls and streets still lined with concrete and buildings too.
Tonight the heat gives me a break, and I immediately turn the oven . I had planned a very simple but tasty recipe, which I had taken nota in spiaggia leggendo un settimanale femminile gentilmente messo a disposizione dal bagnino.. oltre a scovare nuove interessanti ricette, sono informatissima su gossip e tendenze moda estive, ho scoperto pure che Angelina Jolie e Brad Pitt cercano casa in Valpolicella... diventeremo quasivicindicasa?.
Visto che finalmente l' orto del nonno Lallo è in piena attività e ci regala ogni giorno un sacco di verdurine favolose, ecco una buona occasione per gustarle in modo goloso!

500 gr di peperoni gialli beautiful fleshy
300 grams of 500 grams of eggplant zucchini

150 g tomatoes 2 cloves garlic 1 bunch basil

a stale sandwich (or a cup of bread crumbs)
extra virgin olive oil salt & pepper

Slice the eggplant, add salt and let stand an hour (then rinse and dry). Meanwhile, cut the peppers in layers, clean them thoroughly and remove the seeds and inner pith. Cut the zucchini and tomatoes sprouted for the long thin slices.
Chop a stale bun with two cloves of garlic and basil leaves, add two generous pinches of salt.
Preheat the oven to 180 °, an oiled baking dish and place a layer of peppers, sprinkle with breadcrumbs "aromatic", cover with a layer of zucchini, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and proceed in the same way with eggplant, tomatoes and peppers again, alternating layers of vegetables until exhaustion.
Cover with aluminum and bake for half an hour, then remove from the oven, discover, sprinkle the vegetables with plenty of bread crumbs and go back to turning on the oven grill to brown the bread.
Let cool and serve!

NOTES - the original recipe calls for long eggplant, I used those clear round. Varied the quality of tomatoes, ho usato il cuore di bue al posto dei perini. Inoltre, invece di aggiungere l'olio in cottura mi sono limitata ad oliare la pirofila e ho preferito aggiungere olio crudo direttamente nel piatto, il piatto guadagna maggior leggerezza e il gusto dell'olio extrvergine di oliva a crudo è ineguagliabile! Ah, e per sperimentare ho preparato metà dose: errore madornale, va a ruba!