Sunday, September 5, 2010

What's The Airbreak In Fsx

Chickpeas flour with red onions and fresh oregano TROPEA

I have no alibi, not even the hot, now not torture me more. I'm still around every cell in an endless blog-laziness, that tonight I try to win a recipe for 'on demand'.
chick pea flour (chick or if you prefer) is simply a wonderful creature made of chickpea flour, water, olive oil. A 'veg-steak' offering delicious, luscious a second protein, a most welcome aperitif, a beloved appetizer, a versatile mat (for example in the sandwich ... chevvelodicoaffà?). In short, this overdose of superlatives just shows clearly, well capitalized and in bold, I love it. First discovered in the version of 'classic', first in Turin, where virtually every pizzeria in the menu also has flour. Then in Tuscany where he calls himself Cecina. Then in my kitchen where every time we invented a 'dress' again. With zucchini and marjoram, with potatoes and rosemary with potatoes and leeks, with peppers and basil, with artichokes and fresh thyme (mammamiachedelizia) with zucchini flowers and poppy seeds . .. with that offered by the pantry, the garden, fantasy, and suggests watering.
This summer going to end one of the versions listed without a doubt this is proven by chance and quickly became a must, very welcome to children (and I swear that I would not have thought it?).
I leave you the recipe, easy and open to all interpretations as you like!

CECI FLOUR TO Tropea Red Onion and fresh oregano
250 gr chickpea flour
750 grams of water
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 red onion
1 sprig of fresh oregano salt & pepper

Prepare the batter with the proportion of 1:3, add the water gradually to flour so that no lumps are formed, let it rest a night (or morning for the evening) or at least a couple of hours.
Once 'rested' batter, rigiratela with a whisk, add a pinch of salt and a couple of oil cucchai 'bono'.
Slice the onion, I add it raw, since I equip this stracomodo that allows me to slice the onion sooooottilissima almost transparent. Otherwise pass it briefly in the pan, so that is not unpleasantly 'hard' after cooking in the oven.
Preheat the oven to maximum temperature.
Now, without going to quibble about the type of pan to be used for meal (heavy copper braid. Sooner or later gave it to me!) I tell you that in my cooking is done out of necessity and use an ordinary non-stick baking sheet.
Okay, non-stick is a big word, call it simply 'baking'.
I explained (I hope it's true, I like sweet un'allocca and use this system) this procedure: once led the oven temperature, insert the plate into the hot oven for a few minutes, then pull fuori, oliarla e aggiungere la pastella, quindi infornare la farinata.
Potete aggiungere le verdure e le erbe aromatiche alla pastella prima di infornarla oppure, per un risultato estetico più gradevole, distribuirle sulla pastella già nella teglia (purché siate rapidi).
Infornate immediatamente per 30-35 minuti, fino al raggiungimento di una buona doratura (se necessario aggiungere un paio di minuti di grill).
Servire calda, accompagnando con il pepe da grattuggiare allegramente.


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