Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gall Bladder Polyps Milk Thistle

Muffins Chocolate and coconut cake with chocolate

Muffins cioccolato e cocco , inserito originariamente da LaGolosastra .

Sì sì sì una coccola dolce con questo freddino è un toccasana. Una bella tazza di caffé o di thé caldo, un muffins e la mattinata cambia colore!
Questi muffins (detti anche MAFI) sono vegan, ovvero non contengono alcun ingrediente di origine animale. In parole povere né latte né uova. E come fanno a stare in piedi? Semplice, mentre li preparate dovrete recitare qualche parolina magica a vostra discrezione: abracadabra, salacadulamagicabulabidibodibibu, simsalabim, supercalifragilistichespiralidoso... scegliete quella che vi piace di più.
I chose PARIPANPU and here it is ... The muffins came out great! It works!
I have prepared 6, I packed them in some way, I made a thermos of black tea with vanilla, I wrapped up and away, at a time for a happy trip outside the city of Trento in the company of Alice (my Guru of vegan desserts, finally we met!), Alda, Brii , Marta and Manu (who like a good thirty was our guide)!
As always, we do recognize the train we made a mess that not even 5 in a school trip in high school ... abbiamo tirato fuori i viveri e abbiamo fatto colazione mentre il paziente controllore emetteva il biglietto per le due lacustri che si sono salite sul treno alla Dolcé International Railway Station che non è manco dotata di biglietteria né umana né elettronica (pare che i biglietti si possano acquistare nel negozio di alimentari in centro alla metropoli di Dolcé).
Del viaggio di ritorno sono certa che vi parlerà Brii, io sto ancora ghignando.
Allora, la ricetta a cui si sono ispirati questi muffins l'avevo pescata in rete, credo da VeganBlog ma non ne sono certa, e me l'ero scritta sul solito foglietto volante. Era una dose per 6 muffins, e siccome di solito ne inforno ben di più era rimasta inutilizzata. Invece è tornata utilissima venerdì pomeriggio, il forno era già acceso per la preparazione della torta della Pepi (e prima ancora della mia focaccia da picnic , stavolta in versione vegan) quindi non mi sono fatta riguardo ad infornare solo sei muffins.
L'abbinamento cocco-cioccolato mi piace tanto tanto, vabbé, è cosa nota.
Ci avevo provato pure con la carruba, ricordate ? Ah, anche con le banane !
La ricetta è per Brii, che ne farà sicuramente buon uso. A buona intenditrice...

100 gr di farina 00
15 gr di cocco rapé + un paio di cucchiaini da spolverizzare sul cocuzzolo
25 gr di olio di riso
125 gr di latte di cocco
70 gr di zucchero di canna
50 gr di cioccolato fondente
1 cucchiaino di cremor tartaro
1 pizzico di sale

Tritate grossolanamente il cioccolato fondente. Mescolate come d'abitudine the dry ingredients in a bowl and the wet ingredients in another unit in the dry and wet mix them quickly with a spoon, avoid mixing too long, just enough time to 'absorb' the flour (I read somewhere peremptory 'mixed up to 7' !). Add the dark chocolate, filled with a mold for 6 muffins, sprinkle with a pinch of coconut turnips and bake at 180 degrees (fan) for about twenty minutes.
a cuddle light, allowed to those who are always on a diet (a muffin in exchange for a walking pro-shopping with her friends blogger perfect right?)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Alice In Wonderland Wedding Programs

of Pepi!

The original recipe is called 'A HEART BROWN' . And it is a recipe completely invented by Pepi, convict was the book that has received a gift from Vivian . Guess what '? A recipe book for children that also includes pages of 'empty' to be filled with their own recipes. Needless to say, the Pepi liked very very much and took very seriously his new assignment as inventor of recipes.

course, the recipe had to be made. Today.
Ovviamente ho giusto giusto 2 uova nel frigo. Il resto non manca mai, quindi si può procedere. Mi resta solo da persuadere la cheffina che la sua torta non si regge in piedi e, last but not least, che non dispongo di uno stampo a forma di cuore. Ok, questa è una minibugia (in effetti c'è un vecchio stampo a forma di cuore da qualche parte incastrato nei pensili della cucina, ma la mamma non ha proprio voglia di rovistare) ma la cheffina non ha esitato un istante: allora la facciamo a forma di stella (perfect! Stampo al silicone pronto a portata di zampine!).
Cerchiamo di ritoccare la ricetta et, voilà, abbiamo sfornato questa stellina (con un cuore marrone, per rispettare le intenzioni originali) che a detta dell'autrice è buonizzimizzima. 
Sarà vero? Provate, è una ricetta a prova di bambino!

(che invece è una stella)
200 gr di farina 00
200 gr di zucchero di canna
2 uova
160 gr di latte intero
40 gr di cacao amaro
1 puntina di vaniglia in polvere
1 pizzico di sale
1 nocina ina ina di burro
1/2 bustina di lievito
zucchero a velo

Mescolare in una ciotola la farina, lo zucchero, il pizzico di sale, il cacao, la vaniglia e la mezza bustina di lievito, aggiungere quindi  le due uova e il latte continuando a mescolare. Mescolate mescolate mescolate e fate sparire per benino tutti i grumi!
Imburrate bene uno stampo a forma di stella (o di cuore, se fortunatamente ce l'avete a portata di mano!) e versate il composto.
Cuocete in forno ventilato a 175° per 40' circa, controllando la cottura infilando la torta con uno stuzzicadenti al centro: deve uscire asciutto!
Attendete qualche minuto prima di sformare delicatamente la torta su una griglia per farla ben raffreddare.
Decorate a piacere con zucchero a velo!

piesse - giuro che in passato non mi era mai capitato di sformare senza alcuna difficoltà le punte della stella... mi sa che devo prendere nota di questa ricetta per sfruttare questo grazioso stampo...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Pci Bridge Driver Installed On My Computer


...con dressing al miele e balsamico e crostini di pane ai semi di girasole (giusto per non pubblicare un post dal titolo wertmulleriano ).

In origine i crostini were ' crispy bread with figs ' (remember my vegmenu inspired by the proposals of Andrea Alfieri Sempione42 ?) but since I'm much more free-range (the truth is that the bread with figs do not have it ) The variant there was' na wonder and see if I just just advancing the sunflower seed bread prepared on Saturday. Perfect to obtain a handful of croutons.

This morning while I was in the supermarket addocchiato certain Catalonia that I looked at attention, as if to attract my attention. Here we go.
pranzettino I had in mind.
just that, as a good valley, I have never ventured mica in my life with chicory. Never ever ever. In fact, I think I've eaten very few times (because I often was proposed with anchovies that I detest with all my heart).
And then? Bon, let's try anyway. On the web there are a lot of advice also 'photoguide' (for example this) so all in all it is not difficult, just a little 'patience.
Catalonia that I bought is not really that fat that you see in the pictures that I linked, but that long (I know 'too technical?) But I chose well making sure that possessed a heart consisting of beautiful leaves that I keep carefully cleaned and cut into strips with the help Paring of (the leaves 'normal' I have boiled in salted water).
I put it to soak in cold water with ice cubes, acidulated with lemon, about an hour the strips, which are curled benissimissimo.
I made a dressing with half a teaspoon of honey dandelion (thanks to my advisors online, Valentina and Enza !) Half a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar: I put it into a coffee cup and heated briefly in microwave liquefy the honey, then salt and pepper set.
I seasoned with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil the curls, I sprinkled them with the dressing and I added a generous handful of croutons (Ie sunflower seed bread cut into cubes and toasted briefly in non-stick frying pan greased with olive oil just barely).

dell'insalatina chicory I am officially in love!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Urban Legends The 13th Floor

potatoes and leeks to mashed zucchini and saffron

Many thanks to Laura , who patiently held our pleasure-day. Thanks to the traveling companions ( Lorenza , with the wonderful Gnome Giovanna , Valentina , LauraPippi ) thanks to his companions, husbands, supporters who have made the company and endured our endless talk, with new friendships that I hope I have occasion to know better in future.
Finally we managed to join the gang on Facebook that has been christened with the name of 'The Fellowship of the stove ', a group originally created to gather foodblogger Milan, then also extended to strangers .
The 'excuse' was a brunch at the restaurant Sempione42, actually already in the Central Station we began the almost endless series of talk (and who is going to stop us?). As if we knew all along.
Lorenza I already had the fortune to meet a couple of times, Joan I the company did Sana, the feeling is always the same: when we meet in the air is a wonderful, tangible and contagious enthusiasm.

For about super-efficient organization of Laura, I had my vegan menu (you will not find on the site ... it was all mine. Chicken and the egg, which made me company!). Want to know? Voila:
chicory salad and crusty bread with figs with honey and balsamic dressing
dumplings with artichokes and mint
potato and leek puree on zucchini and saffron sorbet

DESSERT Mandarin

Not bad, eh? And since the
Golosastra is also a script here that today I propose my version (and SuperEasy superfast, even light, go) of the pie!

potato and leek puree
(serves two people, or for the main course of a single hungry Golosastra)

2 medium-small potatoes (about 180 gr) 1 leek

1 zucchini 2 / 3 sage leaves (optional) extra virgin olive oil

of saffron threads in Samassi
salt & pepper

Ready? Go! There need a pot for steaming, two silicone muffin molds (or other material, if you use the microwave of course will be suitable for this type of cooking!).
Peel the potatoes, cut into slices sottilissimissime.
camera in 1 / 3 of the steam drum.
Wash the leek and peeled, cut into rounds and half sitematelo next to the potatoes. Clean the zucchini (sliced \u200b\u200b2-3 mm thick), cut into rounds and place this also in the remaining space of the perforated basket.
I like to put something in the water when cooking the scented steam, in this case, I grabbed a couple of sage leaves.
I put the pot on the stove and let cook for about ten minutes, no more, until potatoes gave way to the fork.
Meanwhile, I cut as thin as possible and the other half of leek and I 'crispata' in the microwave (depending crisp with thinly veiled special dish of extra virgin olive oil). If you want to fry it, try and let me know, in my opinion should be so; strips of very thin, very clear, extremely crisp. Unfortunately I do not fry at home, nor does it tolerate my liver so much that I was satisfied with the aesthetic result. At the end of
crispa leeks I kept them aside in a bowl.
At this point, the vegetables should be cooked: picked potatoes and leeks and (optionally) pass them with a masher or blender and holy trust in mash. I had two floury potatoes well and I had no need to add flour if too watery, perhaps they'd add a tablespoon of potato starch.
with salt and pepper, then pour the mixture into two molds (formerly oiled so easily then unmold the cakes). Put in the microwave at full power for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile passed to the mixer zucchini, with a pinch of salt and pepper, a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and 2 / 3 saffron threads (I used this that my sister brought me a gift from Sardinia).
Prepare a bed of puree, which lying on the cake. The crown of the cake gently curls arranged crispata leeks and serve.
Li adoooooro!
These are superfast, tested today at lunch because I was dying with curiosity. The next time I'll try with the baking, in my opinion will improve in terms of consistency.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beetel Telephone Service Center In Bangalore

tests transmission

LaGolosastra plays with Flickr ...