Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cavity Along Gum Line


Cosa può far felice una Golosastra? Un mazzo di rose rosse a stelo lungo? Nooooo...
The perfect floral tribute is a bunch of ... Bruscansi!
I Bruscansi (or abruptly, depending on the grandmother or aunt that you made them know for the first time) are nothing more than the ends to keep hold of the wild hop (Humulus Luppulus). which together with sparasine, candles and other goodies can be found around the woods in the spring.
Indeed, I have to mark it on the agenda later this month is the Festival of Sparasina in Pigot!
not easy to find, if you do not have the opportunity and the time that they could procure through a beautiful walk.
It sometimes happens that a 'friend has the good fortune to have the house a well-stocked grocery store and Golosastra an afternoon walk from her ciacole accompanied by a delicious snack (about the recipe?) and then bring home a free bunch of these precious buds.
Obviously I did not lose time, and now I have sacrificed one of the most well-chosen combinations: the risotto!
Thank Azabel!

a bunch of bruscansi
a cup of rice dwarf avenue
red onion
a glass of white wine salt & pepper
vegetable broth
olio extravergine di oliva

Preparare il brodo vegetale (santa comodità, io lo preparo con il dado vegetale ) e lasciatelo sobbollire in una pentola a parte.
Pulire i bruscansi, utilizzando solo le cimette tenere (guardate qui, sono le eccellenti indicazioni della mia omonima), tritate la cipolla e fatela saltare in pochissimo olio extravergine di oliva. Unite i bruscansi, dopo un paio di minuti aggiungete il riso lasciate tostare un minutino quindi sfumate con un bicchiere di vino bianco.
Aggiungete un mestolo per volta di brodo caldo, mescolando finché si sarà assorbito, quindi aggiungete man mano un mestolo per volta fino a cottura completata (About twenty minutes, taste for the sake). Turn off the flame, add a drizzle of olive oil and stir.
A pleasure you can add chopped parsley or serve with grated parmesan.


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