Friday, April 2, 2010

What Does L-argenine Do?

Wow, but what I lazy?
Now feel the warmth on the back-lit by the sun coming through my window, pulls out a little bit of wind and my Windchime cheerful chirps and dances to the rhythm of spring.
Dai, Golosastra, it's time to wake up. Stretched her going and starts to come out of hibernation.
Easter is three days, I even made 39 (trentanove!) years and almost not even realized I had it not been for the loving wishes and wonderful gifts received (thanks again, the heart).

I have a couple of recipe in Serbian for you, but since time is running out for this first public 'dove experimental' so you still have time if you want to join me and try this alternative 'healthy' for your Easter.


recipe (slightly revised)
Pasquale Boscarello
from 'Natural Confectionery '
Newfoundland Editions

500 g flour 150 g of yeast

300 g water 150 g of corn malt
100 g of corn oil cold pressed
100 g almonds, toasted and chopped

2 oranges (zest and juice) 1 tablespoon
almond cream
5 g salt 5 g of cinnamon

to decorate the surface:
corn malt
a spoonful of grain sugar (optional)

Melt 150 grams of yeast at room temperature (mine is looking lively, refreshed daily for 2 days in a row for training) in 300 g This water also at room temperature and add 500 g of flour. Mix and let stand in covered bowl in a sheltered environment to changes in temperature (I have put in the oven as I usually do with the bread) for 4 hours, or until the dough no bubbles have formed, , a sign that the fermentation is in full swing. I have mixed a lunch break and went to work, and I took the dough for dinner.
You can then add the salt, cinnamon, 1 tablespoon almond cream (the original recipe calls for the hazelnut paste, referred to as "optional"), the juice and peel (orange part only) of 2 oranges , toasted and chopped almonds, corn oil and corn malt. Mix the ingredients well until you get the dough to a soft sticky. If you are so lucky
s un'impastatrice to own, do not hesitate to use it. Altimenti Board cheerfully dirty hands, because with a wooden spoon, I found a little 'difficult to mix the dough already risen to the liquid.
The recipe suggests, should be too hard or too soft to add, as appropriate, a bit 'of water or flour, do not overdo it in the amount not to alter the original proportions.
At this point the mixture is poured in the form of a dove (I used a these ) and let stand for about two hours, until the dough doubles in volume.
(Before baking I sprinkled the surface with the almonds, backed with a light pressure).
then bake at 190 ° C for about an hour (I used electric fan oven lowering the temperature temperature to 175 °).
During baking, peek to see if the upper surface of the dove has already taken too much color in the case protect it with a sheet of aluminum foil.
Shortly before the end of cooking, I smeared the surface (using a silicone brush) with a miscela di malto e acqua (3 a 1) e cosparso con una cucchiaiata di zucchero in granella (da evitare se si desidera mantenere la ricetta 'macrobiotica' (giusto Cobrizo e Valentina ?).
Prima di servire, fare raffreddare.

Il profumo è ottimo, l'aspetto un po' meno... il sapore come sarà? La consistenza? Pubblico per la prima volta una ricetta 'a scatola chiusa', speriamo bene...

Ah, già... quasi dimenticavo: BUONA PASQUA!

PIESSE - Andate ad 'assaggiare' questa versione micro-macro di Cobrizo!


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