Sunday, February 28, 2010

Does Teeth Whitening Gel Expire

GNOCCHI with artichoke cream, black truffle and fresh thyme LESSINIA

Yesterday afternoon I did a little 'spare weekend from my pro-pusher Fruit & Vegetable and Pepi has addocchiato artichokes. I had to buy them, as I could not please her?
In fact it is a vegetable that I do not buy often, a bit 'out of laziness, partly' cause I always seem to throw away too much 'matter', but I'm so greedy sometimes worth a little effort! Actually I had really wanted, a little 'to blame for the clumsy cook !
This morning, while cleaning the artichokes, mamota has gone well and I asked for an impromptu lunch. As it happened she had a tartufini nostrano from 'use' for Lunch: squaring the circle!
Here's what we managed to eat up. With these doses we have eaten in 5 (a very filling dish, but, to tell the truth), for 4 people is a substantial meal.
The dish is dedicated to my President.

GNOCCHI with artichoke cream,
black truffle and fresh thyme

about 500 grams of potato gnocchi
artichokes 1 clove garlic
extra virgin olive oil ½ cup dry white wine
a couple of spoonfuls vegetable cream 1 small black truffle
fresh thyme salt & pepper

Clean the artichokes (with gloves, or you'll stain your fingers!) by removing the stems and any tough outer leaves. Cut into wedges and spadellateli the hearts with a drizzle of olive oil and garlic in a spicchietto. Add half a glass of white wine, a pinch of salt, reduce the heat and leave to soften hearts.
Meanwhile prepare the dumplings, arrange them on the floured surface and bring to a boil salted water.
Reduce the mixer to cream the artichokes with a couple of tablespoons of cream (oatmeal, in my case) and still, if you like, some spicchietto to decorate the plates. Add the fresh thyme leaves, salt to taste.
Once drained gnocchi, toss with the cream of artichokes, truffle flakes and ground pepper.


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