Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can Shaving Cost Herpes Looking Breakouts

Yes, I love almonds .

And after reading from the new IZN post Claudia Dallabona I discovered that (at least at this time) I have the perfect excuse to add my usual almonds to my meals ... Okay do not overdo it, just a tablespoon of chopped almonds in cereal or a few flakes on savory muffins!
For some 'I thought of a recipe a bit' dated, once prepared often, I found an old magazine.
out again I had just ...

I open my folder of recipes (Okay, one imagines a folder tidy, with recipes stored in a logical sense, and instead faces a slump-sheets of paper-cuttings opuscolini-booklets-napkins-notes-note-) e. .. boh. Removed. I can not find anymore.
In fact there's quite a mess of paper, I will deciding to make a clean sweep . Meanwhile

to solve a quick lunch, I tried to find that recipe in the memory.

key ingredient almonds.
Then there was the bread crumbs, milk, and what else?


50 grams of pasta 3 / 4 almonds
the crumb of half a sandwich
half a clove of garlic a teaspoon of extra virgin

pinch of salt half teaspoon of poppy seeds

Boil the pasta (preferably short, I chose the radiators Garofalo finally tasted, thanks to the suggestions of many blogs).
Chop the almonds in blender with the bread crumbs, garlic clove, a teaspoon of oil, a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of cooking water (in the original recipe was provided milk, I have replaced with water from cooking pasta, lighter and above all consistent with lactose intolerance!).
Blend until a nice creamy sauce, add more water if necessary to make it less dense (to taste).
Drain the pasta, season it with the creamy sauce and poppy seeds.


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