Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How I Can Find Small Shoes

I Galani (crostoli, chatting, frappe, rags, etc..) Heretics! ALMOND CREAM PASTA

This year we reached the end of the carnival (ah, but not Parona, tomorrow there is still Festa de the Renga !) and porcamiseriaccia after suffering seeing others prepare (and eat up) pancakes and Galan (or whatever you want: name the place you go that is) I decided to challenge the tradition.
My appetite did not want to even let this time defeated by millemila limitations that I have to submit (no eggs, no dairy products and, well, not fried) and then, voila, here's my version and even vegan baked . Heretics, but will gladly allow themselves to eat the omnivores! Today
mom prepares me well for a piattazzo gnocchi (Okay, let's face it, preparing them for Pepi I and sends itself) and perhaps maybe even his legendary fritole (which obviously will not eat).

Here one of the (many) recipes for Galani, below mine. Heretical.


350 grams of flour 00 g sugar 80
60 grams of extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons rum (brandy I had, ahem ... )
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 pinch of salt
a small glass of soy milk
zest 1 / 2
lemon zest 1 / 2 orange
icing sugar to sprinkle

Mix flour with sugar, salt, yeast, grated scorzettine, adding oil, rum (or brandy) and tie it all together adding little per volta il latte di soya, (io ho usato un bicchiere  piccolo, circa) fino ad ottenere un composto sodo. Avvolgetelo nella pellicola e lasciatelo riposare in frigo per un'oretta.
Accendete il forno a 180°, 
Stendete la pasta sottilissima con il mattarello e ritagliatela a triangoli, per comodità potete utilizzare la vecchia cara Imperia per tirare la sfoglia sottilissima. Tagliatela con la rotella a rettangoli, disponeteli sulla placca rivestita da cartaforno e infornate per pochissimi minuti, fino a doratura. 
Lasciateli raffreddare per benino così diventeranno ben croccanti, spolverizzateli di zucchero a velo e divorateli senza sentirvi troppo in colpa!
note - if you have more baking sheets, predisponetele with all the paper and prepare to fire it more quickly.


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