Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vampirefreaks Layouts


fresh oregano, originally uploaded by LaGolosastra .

A sane person to think of a beautiful birthday cake with cupcakes, cream, meringues, candles ... laGolosastra that has a mind a bit 'twisted what could post the day of his 2nd blogcompleanno? hummus? OhMyGod!
we scan the recipes posted so far I realized that I never published a hummus, a creamy spalmevolezza I love! If you dispense a can of boiled chickpeas prepared him in a nanosecond!
I have read so many similar versions, but with small variations (someone adds even the onion, who puts the cumin, coriander, other).
I'll prepare it in a very very simple:

250 grams of boiled chickpeas
lemon juice 2 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic
paprika salt & pepper
(parsley) fresh oregano

In my pantry never missing a couple of milk vegetables, especially boiled chickpeas. I can safely say that they are my 'QuattroSaltiInPadella' ie salvacena (or lunch) last minute.
To prepare a delicious hummus from convenient tin (400 grams, drained weight 250 gr), drip chickpeas in a colander and rinse them briefly under running water (rinsing is my vice ... you do it?), I put them in the bicchierozzo blender, add the juice of one lemon (try, if you like, also to put the zest, I find them very good nell'hummus), two generous spoonfuls of tahini clear, two tablespoons of olio, lo spicchio d'aglio spellato (grazie Lo!), un pizzico di paprika, un pizzico di sale e pepe a vostro gusto. Frullo fino ad ottenere una bella crema e servo con (prezzemolo, ma non ne avevo stavolta) fresco o, variante del giorno, origano fresco (in onore della mia pianticella che sta sopravvivendo fieramente a questo gelido inverno).
Questa volta l'ho goduriosamente spalmata su fettine di pane al farro con timo&maggiorana (fatto da Ceres , da copiare quanto prima).

Che dire?
Sono passati due anni dal primo timido post e non mi sembra vero.
We celebrated together the
first birthday and we are here to turn the second candle (in a bowl of hummus!).
In the meantime I had the luck to meet beautiful people. Really.
In the future I want to know soon so other people I like and I am sure that this time will not be disappointed.
I love you, really, from my heart.
every day taught me something new and I am grateful!


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