Sunday, February 28, 2010

Does Teeth Whitening Gel Expire

GNOCCHI with artichoke cream, black truffle and fresh thyme LESSINIA

Yesterday afternoon I did a little 'spare weekend from my pro-pusher Fruit & Vegetable and Pepi has addocchiato artichokes. I had to buy them, as I could not please her?
In fact it is a vegetable that I do not buy often, a bit 'out of laziness, partly' cause I always seem to throw away too much 'matter', but I'm so greedy sometimes worth a little effort! Actually I had really wanted, a little 'to blame for the clumsy cook !
This morning, while cleaning the artichokes, mamota has gone well and I asked for an impromptu lunch. As it happened she had a tartufini nostrano from 'use' for Lunch: squaring the circle!
Here's what we managed to eat up. With these doses we have eaten in 5 (a very filling dish, but, to tell the truth), for 4 people is a substantial meal.
The dish is dedicated to my President.

GNOCCHI with artichoke cream,
black truffle and fresh thyme

about 500 grams of potato gnocchi
artichokes 1 clove garlic
extra virgin olive oil ½ cup dry white wine
a couple of spoonfuls vegetable cream 1 small black truffle
fresh thyme salt & pepper

Clean the artichokes (with gloves, or you'll stain your fingers!) by removing the stems and any tough outer leaves. Cut into wedges and spadellateli the hearts with a drizzle of olive oil and garlic in a spicchietto. Add half a glass of white wine, a pinch of salt, reduce the heat and leave to soften hearts.
Meanwhile prepare the dumplings, arrange them on the floured surface and bring to a boil salted water.
Reduce the mixer to cream the artichokes with a couple of tablespoons of cream (oatmeal, in my case) and still, if you like, some spicchietto to decorate the plates. Add the fresh thyme leaves, salt to taste.
Once drained gnocchi, toss with the cream of artichokes, truffle flakes and ground pepper.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How I Can Find Small Shoes

I Galani (crostoli, chatting, frappe, rags, etc..) Heretics! ALMOND CREAM PASTA

This year we reached the end of the carnival (ah, but not Parona, tomorrow there is still Festa de the Renga !) and porcamiseriaccia after suffering seeing others prepare (and eat up) pancakes and Galan (or whatever you want: name the place you go that is) I decided to challenge the tradition.
My appetite did not want to even let this time defeated by millemila limitations that I have to submit (no eggs, no dairy products and, well, not fried) and then, voila, here's my version and even vegan baked . Heretics, but will gladly allow themselves to eat the omnivores! Today
mom prepares me well for a piattazzo gnocchi (Okay, let's face it, preparing them for Pepi I and sends itself) and perhaps maybe even his legendary fritole (which obviously will not eat).

Here one of the (many) recipes for Galani, below mine. Heretical.


350 grams of flour 00 g sugar 80
60 grams of extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons rum (brandy I had, ahem ... )
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 pinch of salt
a small glass of soy milk
zest 1 / 2
lemon zest 1 / 2 orange
icing sugar to sprinkle

Mix flour with sugar, salt, yeast, grated scorzettine, adding oil, rum (or brandy) and tie it all together adding little per volta il latte di soya, (io ho usato un bicchiere  piccolo, circa) fino ad ottenere un composto sodo. Avvolgetelo nella pellicola e lasciatelo riposare in frigo per un'oretta.
Accendete il forno a 180°, 
Stendete la pasta sottilissima con il mattarello e ritagliatela a triangoli, per comodità potete utilizzare la vecchia cara Imperia per tirare la sfoglia sottilissima. Tagliatela con la rotella a rettangoli, disponeteli sulla placca rivestita da cartaforno e infornate per pochissimi minuti, fino a doratura. 
Lasciateli raffreddare per benino così diventeranno ben croccanti, spolverizzateli di zucchero a velo e divorateli senza sentirvi troppo in colpa!
note - if you have more baking sheets, predisponetele with all the paper and prepare to fire it more quickly.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can Shaving Cost Herpes Looking Breakouts

Yes, I love almonds .

And after reading from the new IZN post Claudia Dallabona I discovered that (at least at this time) I have the perfect excuse to add my usual almonds to my meals ... Okay do not overdo it, just a tablespoon of chopped almonds in cereal or a few flakes on savory muffins!
For some 'I thought of a recipe a bit' dated, once prepared often, I found an old magazine.
out again I had just ...

I open my folder of recipes (Okay, one imagines a folder tidy, with recipes stored in a logical sense, and instead faces a slump-sheets of paper-cuttings opuscolini-booklets-napkins-notes-note-) e. .. boh. Removed. I can not find anymore.
In fact there's quite a mess of paper, I will deciding to make a clean sweep . Meanwhile

to solve a quick lunch, I tried to find that recipe in the memory.

key ingredient almonds.
Then there was the bread crumbs, milk, and what else?


50 grams of pasta 3 / 4 almonds
the crumb of half a sandwich
half a clove of garlic a teaspoon of extra virgin

pinch of salt half teaspoon of poppy seeds

Boil the pasta (preferably short, I chose the radiators Garofalo finally tasted, thanks to the suggestions of many blogs).
Chop the almonds in blender with the bread crumbs, garlic clove, a teaspoon of oil, a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of cooking water (in the original recipe was provided milk, I have replaced with water from cooking pasta, lighter and above all consistent with lactose intolerance!).
Blend until a nice creamy sauce, add more water if necessary to make it less dense (to taste).
Drain the pasta, season it with the creamy sauce and poppy seeds.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vampirefreaks Layouts


fresh oregano, originally uploaded by LaGolosastra .

A sane person to think of a beautiful birthday cake with cupcakes, cream, meringues, candles ... laGolosastra that has a mind a bit 'twisted what could post the day of his 2nd blogcompleanno? hummus? OhMyGod!
we scan the recipes posted so far I realized that I never published a hummus, a creamy spalmevolezza I love! If you dispense a can of boiled chickpeas prepared him in a nanosecond!
I have read so many similar versions, but with small variations (someone adds even the onion, who puts the cumin, coriander, other).
I'll prepare it in a very very simple:

250 grams of boiled chickpeas
lemon juice 2 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic
paprika salt & pepper
(parsley) fresh oregano

In my pantry never missing a couple of milk vegetables, especially boiled chickpeas. I can safely say that they are my 'QuattroSaltiInPadella' ie salvacena (or lunch) last minute.
To prepare a delicious hummus from convenient tin (400 grams, drained weight 250 gr), drip chickpeas in a colander and rinse them briefly under running water (rinsing is my vice ... you do it?), I put them in the bicchierozzo blender, add the juice of one lemon (try, if you like, also to put the zest, I find them very good nell'hummus), two generous spoonfuls of tahini clear, two tablespoons of olio, lo spicchio d'aglio spellato (grazie Lo!), un pizzico di paprika, un pizzico di sale e pepe a vostro gusto. Frullo fino ad ottenere una bella crema e servo con (prezzemolo, ma non ne avevo stavolta) fresco o, variante del giorno, origano fresco (in onore della mia pianticella che sta sopravvivendo fieramente a questo gelido inverno).
Questa volta l'ho goduriosamente spalmata su fettine di pane al farro con timo&maggiorana (fatto da Ceres , da copiare quanto prima).

Che dire?
Sono passati due anni dal primo timido post e non mi sembra vero.
We celebrated together the
first birthday and we are here to turn the second candle (in a bowl of hummus!).
In the meantime I had the luck to meet beautiful people. Really.
In the future I want to know soon so other people I like and I am sure that this time will not be disappointed.
I love you, really, from my heart.
every day taught me something new and I am grateful!