Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Before Acronis True Image Could Be Installed

mr.jones, gli aerei e la mala... fede :D

Today was not provided for any post, since this is not 'day.

But because I am pulled by the proverbial coat I can not fail. The good old

mr.jones post a video blog on the master, here , citing:

mr.jones said ...

Straker Hello .. .. or is it another analysis of Professor Monarch Airlines Gallon ...
June 29, 2010 17:46

Meanwhile NOT master teacher and even, then analyze the video.

Bon, bad faith is the 20 second video.

Why '?
simple: because 'the plane that appears in the first 20 seconds, this


Just look at the following snapshot:

Even a blind man immediately realizes that the first plane has a clear or white livery at the bottom, while the second and 'CLEARLY a Monarch!

( )

So my dear fool, because 'this is the title that will be awarded, the next time a tarot video trying to prove that a plane suddenly begins to make a nice trail of condensation, at least two attempts to resume planes with the same livery.

And maybe the same model. : D Greetings


Monday, June 28, 2010

Lotiony Cervical Mucus 9 Days Past Ovulation

Il carbonato di calcio and chemtrails

From the blog master:

Straker said ... Hello

Lollo, chlorosis of plants depends on the presence of calcium carbonate. The same calcium carbonate shown by the analysis of rainwater collected at various locations a few years ago and executed by the CNR for the account and at private expense. So there is no doubt that it is connected to the spraying.
June 25, 2010 21:04
(source: )

Please, I ask as a courtesy staff, say that the evil "calcium carbonate" which strap is not another 'who Football!

Of which we can see in this video is a superb example, mixed with another dangerous compound, magnesium carbonate.

How to say ...


Friday, June 25, 2010

How To Relax When Stressed

The geology of the Gulf of Mexico ...

... and ignorance "abysmal" of the conspiracy.

I read the last delirium dell'ingestionale mark, reported Blog Essse:

I read and I do not understand 'cause that decerebration persists in wanting to harangue of things that do not even know the basics.

His latest madness' that drilling has intercepted the magma can generate so-called "black smokers ", the submarine fumaroles.

Unfortunately, as we have already pointed out here Malora of Tigre, these fumaroles si trovino sui margini di espansione delle placche, lungo le dorsali oceaniche.

Ora basterebbe gia' questo per demolire le cretinate scritte dall'ingestionale, ma dato che stamattina sono piu' cattivo del solito, infierisco.

E posto alcune info sulla geologia e stratigrafia del Golfo del Messico.


(fonte: University of Alabama )

Top: detailed cross-section of the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico: no vertical exaggeration. Middle: large scale cross-section of the passive margin of the Gulf of Mexico: vertical exaggeration: 5x. Bottom: cross-section of the Western Alps for comparison at the Same as the above steps passive margin

(source: Universite 'de Lausanne )

But there are dozens, all consistent with each other.

Now, as you can 'see, the oceanic crust reaches about 10 km, then there is' a transition zone up to 17/18 km where we find the MoHo and finally the upper mantle. See

hot spot? See
magma chambers? See
plume slope of some kind?


Only sedimentary rocks soaked in water and oil.

I also have a beautiful card from which I extract these parts:

Now, as I always say, I can excuse the ignorance, but not arrogance.

Before speaking, and 'better informed. Maybe

following links: the

Regards Michele

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why Does A Dog Get Prolapsed Rectum

2010 World

I want to dedicate a video to our National wonderful adventure in South Africa.

And to quote the eternal Spiderman ...




Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tally Software Exception Error

Smoking is harmful ... : D

But for once I do not want to smoke. And no, not what you do corrado: D

From the blog comments of the master:

Portierino said ... Personally

Conscious of the problem are chemtrails and I beat the shit of disinformation, they are just poor people that do a shitty job. It seems to me that during WWII they used smoke candles closer to those events to create a veil in the sky and make life difficult for the flak and deaden the roar of the engines to facilitate the work of the bombers . The photo is definitely a fake, even a child would understand.
June 22, 2010 9:35
(source: )

How to say without being accused of offenses ...

Ah yes, here.

understood everything in life, eh genius?

Now I have said and repeated several times, before we talk about a topic, and 'having to know at least the basics of it.

Before posting sources, we make an example, or rather two.

The first: I am an anti-aircraft gunner during an attack by, I get the information from the firing control system (which uses radar observers and ) on location and altitude of the attackers, imposed on the direction and timing of flak and I fire. To see the enemy aircraft on the whole I do not give much, if my command draws a veil of smoke better.

The second: I'm a bomber (as a crew member to the release bombs) capoformazione of the aircraft, the goal to use my nice Norden who unfortunately has a serious limitation: need to better target the target is visible ! Otherwise we might as well releases the State of Greyhound! So if my command draws a veil of smoke sent him to ca ... Well, as far dell'insubordinazione, of course. : D

Sources: aircraft_warfare


Monday, June 21, 2010

Camping Is The Ideal Way Of Spending A Holiday

Whistle for flasks

Ok ok, as usual I have to talk about the master of Sanremo, and mica, but 'not my fault if I pull out the keyboard ... This

and 'further proof of how dear lader not understand what' that law, at least when concepts exceed the complexity 'of a little thought of second grade.


On his blog he writes:


yesterday I received confirmation from the same Marko Germani (Markogts) that the dispersion of silver iodide and cement has only one drawback: the hail.

tells you something?
(source: tankerenemy )

Ohibo '... O_O

And when Marko and rosy with beautiful hair have a match? Coincidentally I

skype Mark in question and I ask the obvious question.

[12:43:32] Hanmi: You have had exchanges with the commander??
O_O [12:44:30] Marko Germani: no
[12:44:32] Marko Germani: de
that [12:44:41] Marko Germani: have copied from forums and things hidden
rat as a cat, send me the link from which it attached a snapshot:

Let's talk about cloud seeding. This is done in the presence of clouds , not with a clear sky. [Cut] flying under the clouds, hoping that the silver iodide and cement dust are sucked by convective motions inside the cloud and triggers aggregation of water droplets (remember a few posts ago I showed you the videos of superraffreddata?). Here a video . Polluter? Of course, there is a plane that flies and a few sacks of cement and silver iodide (not toxic) dispersed on some square km. But the alternative is sometimes to have a disastrous hailstorm on crops. the fact that the Russians also use it for good weather to military parades, of course it sucks (the weather is obtained by downloading the cloud of rain and hail is avoided by rain before the clouds build up too much energy). The method, however, does not always work, in fact, according to many forecasters is useless.

(source: )

Now I think the sense is clear even to a child in third grade ...

But the commander, as usual, no.

And then you mind if I took it for a ride. : D Greetings


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fred Meyer Airsoft Gun

INGV Open Letter to the President of the Republic

From Blog Fioba take it and spread this initiative.

INGV Open Letter to the President of the Republic

relaunch an initiative of researchers from the National Institute Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), as a result of the notices of manslaughter by the public prosecutor sent to the members of the Eagle Commission Major Hazards and leaders of the Civil Protection Department, wrote a letter (I recommend to sign) to the President of the Republic.

In this absurd story the Public Prosecutor Alfredo Rossini also said:
"Those responsible are highly qualified experts who would have given different answers to the citizens. This is not a failure alarm, the alarm had already come from an earthquake. It is the absence of warning that it was necessary leave their homes. "
I would remind the public prosecutor Alfredo Rossini in the present state of knowledge, there is a seismic precursor trusted to implement the evacuation of a city, without being sure that seismic event to happen. Who would take responsibility for such a decision, or to evacuate half ..... and Abruzzo region on the basis of what? on forecasts of this kind (see fourth response, the original article was here but the archive of the newspaper is under renovation).

see Mr. Prosecutor, the necessary and sufficient conditions to determine scientifically seismic precursor are: the observability of the event

  • the quantitative determination of the event

  • determining the causal relationship to the earthquake

  • the construction of a model mathematical physicist explaining the event, which will allow the discrimination, location and space-time that allows those who follow the same procedure to achieve the same results.

phenomena caused by rocks under tectonic stress such as radon gas emissions, disturbance of the electromagnetic field, earthquake swarms and so are only clues that do not allow an exact prediction of the phenomenon.
Without a seismic precursor can not then discriminate against them the exact place nor the time when an earthquake will occur.
The only thing to do is exploit the knowledge available to us. Indeed, we are aware of:

  1. of which countries and cities in seismic risk,

  2. maximum seismic intensity of waiting on a certain area,

then prevention would be enough to limit the damage of an earthquake through the securing of buildings or the construction according to strict seismic criteria. In Japan and in California, an earthquake of intensity equal to that Aquilano, would not harm the victims and would create much smaller.

A L'Aquila, in an area of \u200b\u200bhigh seismic risk, "the palace of the government" or the Prefecture and the hospital, two buildings that are called in jargon " strategic "or in case of disasters should work for coordination and relief have been rendered uninhabitable by the quake.

In a city with such a seismic risk is unacceptable
  • relatively new buildings have collapsed,

  • la prefettura sia crollata,

  • l'ospedale (inaugurato nel 2000) sia stato reso inagibile.

  • non esistesse un Ufficio di Protezione Civile,

  • non esistesse un piano di emergenza provinciale (obbligatorio per legge dal 1989, personalmente ho partecipato alla redazione di quello per la Provincia di Udine),

  • come mai non sono mai stati eseguiti studi di prevenzione sismica (amplificazione sismica e vulnerabilità),

Mi chiedo poi, perchè gli edifici strategici non sono stati messi in sicurezza con azioni di consolidamento?
E la magistratura che fa.......?? C'è un evidente problem of lack of prevention and instead of investigating the directors, who have not complied with the law, it investigates the lack of foresight!

forecast to alert .... ......... what beautiful words ..... To locate an earthquake precursor, it takes research ...... but without research funding, no research (or researchers with fixed-term contract, paid two pounds, with no certainty for the future that might have to go over the rooftops to be heard) that research can be done ... ..... They should also be investigated all the governments that cut indiscriminately resources to research ..... or not?

Date entry the initiative of researchers from INGV, publicized the initiative.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Images Of Post Scabies Syndrome

zucchini flowers with almonds, saffron

Un post delicato per dare il benvenuto alle CartoNine

Se non conoscete ancora Nina, correte subitissimo da lei .
Preparatevi una tisana, gustatevi un bel caffé, va bene anche a cup of cold water.
Enjoy his blog, Delight of his words, replenish the soul with its images.
There is delicacy, strength, energy and peace.
There is a small world, perhaps near the sea before returning to this fantastic journey do not forget to choose a cartoNina.
My heart, eyes closed, chose this
After a walk by the sea, her hair tousled by the wind and salt, return home with pockets full shells and with a decent appetite.

I leave you a recipe quick fast. E especially easy.

zucchini flowers ALMOND,

a dozen squash blossoms
three sandwiches the day before
a cup of soy milk
a generous handful of toasted almonds and chopped finely
a couple of sprigs of mint
some saffron
a trickle of olive oil salt

Carefully clean the zucchini flowers, ask politely to ants and flies to choose another home, Privatel the pistil and rinse under running water then dry them well.
chop the bread in a container (in this case were three 'Arab' oats, or that there was more than enough) wet it with a generous cup of warm milk, add a pinch of salt, saffron, almonds and chopped mint.
You will get a fairly wet dough, add more milk if necessary.
Stuff the flowers with the aid of a spoon by placing the stuffing on the side of the former pistil, the flower closed, taking with her other hand.
Put the flowers in a pan with the bottom lined with parchment paper, sprinkle with a trickle of olive oil, cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.
Discover the pan, fill in for five minutes (oven unventilated otherwise I think they dry too!).

NOTE - The dosage may vary, depending on the size of the flowers, but also the weight and texture of bread. Adapt to your needs calmly, if you do not like mint you can use chives or parsley, if you are allowed you can replace the milk with cow's milk plant.

Dedicated to Valentina & Valentina !

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mississippi River Paddle Boat Ferry Casino

Delirium tremens or Parkinson?

or simple stupidity?

In the blog of the ever-wonderful dear lader mr.jones has posted a comment :

mr.jones said ...

Hello everyone .. time .. missing porc!

I do not know if it's a novelty, 'but I see four engines and six trails apu .. those types that start in the middle of the engines!
Bojs Hello ... is true, mind control exists!

Un video decisamente inequivocabile!
Infatti ad un certo punto si notano VERAMENTE sei (e forse piu') scie provocate da un quadrimotore!

Guardate questo snapshot:

Quante scie contate voi?

No no, non quanti aerei, le scie per la miseria!!! :D

Ora non voglio infierire su mrjones, ma diobono giuro che non riesco a capire se e' un fake o se e' proprio scemo!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

90's Pc Strategy Games


Okay, okay, officially arrived in the summer. Now we can really put away the boots and show off thongs and sandals.
the 'test bikini' we should think of a few months ago (sob!) but it is never too late to start following a healthy balanced diet (no flash diets are never balanced, and often quickly lost a few kg are recovered with equal speed).
(hahaha how good preaching ... ma razzolo malissimo)
Soprattutto non è mai mai mai il caso di rinunciare al gusto, ad una coccola, anche ad un dolcetto, purché sia leggero, possibilmente vitaminico e pure pro-abbronzatura.
Queste coppette, a mio avviso, sono più adatte ad una robusta merenda piuttosto che a fine pasto come dessert, infatti sono ben sostanziose (spero di non dire un'eresia dichiarando che potrebbero sostituire un pasto. Domani provo e se sopravvivo vi informo!).
Sono rapidissime da preparare, il tempo al fornello è più che sopportabile, non richiedono una gran maestria ma solo buoni ingredienti.
Da un annetto le avevo addocchiate su un numero di CucinaNaturale, oggi I gave up the carrots in my salad multicolor and I sacrificed for a treat (which initially was to be this but then I wonder why this magazine appeared in my view).
I liked a lot!


(inspired by a recipe CucinaNaturale - April 2009)
for two thirds of people
250 gr carrots (carrots are already clean weight)
250 ml of rice milk 1 tablespoon oil

25 grams of toasted almonds 1 / 2
vanilla bean 2 tablespoons corn malt
4 dried apricots
flakes of dark chocolate and some toasted almonds to decorate the cups

Puree the carrots with the apricots and rice milk, put them in a pan with the pod vanilla divided into 2-3 pieces, bring to a boil and reduce heat and let it go until all liquid is absorbed. Add the rice oil and cook for 15 minutes, leaving the mixture slightly caramelize.
Let cool, remove the vanilla and add the ground almonds.
Place the mixture in 2 cups (or 3 little ones), let cool in refrigerator.
Serve garnished with dark chocolate chips in thin and some whole toasted almonds (suggested pairing with rum soft ... Hmmmm ...).

note - in the doses of CucinaNaturale were double, set for 4 / 4 cups. I believe that even these doses are sufficient for 4 cups old, since the dessert is very substantial.
I sped up the process a little bit, whisking together the dry and using carrots and albiococche already toasted almonds (usually sooner it in quantity and store in an airtight jar, ready to use) and I decreased the dose of oil.