Friday, June 25, 2010

How To Relax When Stressed

The geology of the Gulf of Mexico ...

... and ignorance "abysmal" of the conspiracy.

I read the last delirium dell'ingestionale mark, reported Blog Essse:

I read and I do not understand 'cause that decerebration persists in wanting to harangue of things that do not even know the basics.

His latest madness' that drilling has intercepted the magma can generate so-called "black smokers ", the submarine fumaroles.

Unfortunately, as we have already pointed out here Malora of Tigre, these fumaroles si trovino sui margini di espansione delle placche, lungo le dorsali oceaniche.

Ora basterebbe gia' questo per demolire le cretinate scritte dall'ingestionale, ma dato che stamattina sono piu' cattivo del solito, infierisco.

E posto alcune info sulla geologia e stratigrafia del Golfo del Messico.


(fonte: University of Alabama )

Top: detailed cross-section of the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico: no vertical exaggeration. Middle: large scale cross-section of the passive margin of the Gulf of Mexico: vertical exaggeration: 5x. Bottom: cross-section of the Western Alps for comparison at the Same as the above steps passive margin

(source: Universite 'de Lausanne )

But there are dozens, all consistent with each other.

Now, as you can 'see, the oceanic crust reaches about 10 km, then there is' a transition zone up to 17/18 km where we find the MoHo and finally the upper mantle. See

hot spot? See
magma chambers? See
plume slope of some kind?


Only sedimentary rocks soaked in water and oil.

I also have a beautiful card from which I extract these parts:

Now, as I always say, I can excuse the ignorance, but not arrogance.

Before speaking, and 'better informed. Maybe

following links: the

Regards Michele


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