Wednesday, June 9, 2010

90's Pc Strategy Games


Okay, okay, officially arrived in the summer. Now we can really put away the boots and show off thongs and sandals.
the 'test bikini' we should think of a few months ago (sob!) but it is never too late to start following a healthy balanced diet (no flash diets are never balanced, and often quickly lost a few kg are recovered with equal speed).
(hahaha how good preaching ... ma razzolo malissimo)
Soprattutto non è mai mai mai il caso di rinunciare al gusto, ad una coccola, anche ad un dolcetto, purché sia leggero, possibilmente vitaminico e pure pro-abbronzatura.
Queste coppette, a mio avviso, sono più adatte ad una robusta merenda piuttosto che a fine pasto come dessert, infatti sono ben sostanziose (spero di non dire un'eresia dichiarando che potrebbero sostituire un pasto. Domani provo e se sopravvivo vi informo!).
Sono rapidissime da preparare, il tempo al fornello è più che sopportabile, non richiedono una gran maestria ma solo buoni ingredienti.
Da un annetto le avevo addocchiate su un numero di CucinaNaturale, oggi I gave up the carrots in my salad multicolor and I sacrificed for a treat (which initially was to be this but then I wonder why this magazine appeared in my view).
I liked a lot!


(inspired by a recipe CucinaNaturale - April 2009)
for two thirds of people
250 gr carrots (carrots are already clean weight)
250 ml of rice milk 1 tablespoon oil

25 grams of toasted almonds 1 / 2
vanilla bean 2 tablespoons corn malt
4 dried apricots
flakes of dark chocolate and some toasted almonds to decorate the cups

Puree the carrots with the apricots and rice milk, put them in a pan with the pod vanilla divided into 2-3 pieces, bring to a boil and reduce heat and let it go until all liquid is absorbed. Add the rice oil and cook for 15 minutes, leaving the mixture slightly caramelize.
Let cool, remove the vanilla and add the ground almonds.
Place the mixture in 2 cups (or 3 little ones), let cool in refrigerator.
Serve garnished with dark chocolate chips in thin and some whole toasted almonds (suggested pairing with rum soft ... Hmmmm ...).

note - in the doses of CucinaNaturale were double, set for 4 / 4 cups. I believe that even these doses are sufficient for 4 cups old, since the dessert is very substantial.
I sped up the process a little bit, whisking together the dry and using carrots and albiococche already toasted almonds (usually sooner it in quantity and store in an airtight jar, ready to use) and I decreased the dose of oil.


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