Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fred Meyer Airsoft Gun

INGV Open Letter to the President of the Republic

From Blog Fioba take it and spread this initiative.

INGV Open Letter to the President of the Republic

relaunch an initiative of researchers from the National Institute Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), as a result of the notices of manslaughter by the public prosecutor sent to the members of the Eagle Commission Major Hazards and leaders of the Civil Protection Department, wrote a letter (I recommend to sign) to the President of the Republic.

In this absurd story the Public Prosecutor Alfredo Rossini also said:
"Those responsible are highly qualified experts who would have given different answers to the citizens. This is not a failure alarm, the alarm had already come from an earthquake. It is the absence of warning that it was necessary leave their homes. "
I would remind the public prosecutor Alfredo Rossini in the present state of knowledge, there is a seismic precursor trusted to implement the evacuation of a city, without being sure that seismic event to happen. Who would take responsibility for such a decision, or to evacuate half ..... and Abruzzo region on the basis of what? on forecasts of this kind (see fourth response, the original article was here but the archive of the newspaper is under renovation).

see Mr. Prosecutor, the necessary and sufficient conditions to determine scientifically seismic precursor are: the observability of the event

  • the quantitative determination of the event

  • determining the causal relationship to the earthquake

  • the construction of a model mathematical physicist explaining the event, which will allow the discrimination, location and space-time that allows those who follow the same procedure to achieve the same results.

phenomena caused by rocks under tectonic stress such as radon gas emissions, disturbance of the electromagnetic field, earthquake swarms and so are only clues that do not allow an exact prediction of the phenomenon.
Without a seismic precursor can not then discriminate against them the exact place nor the time when an earthquake will occur.
The only thing to do is exploit the knowledge available to us. Indeed, we are aware of:

  1. of which countries and cities in seismic risk,

  2. maximum seismic intensity of waiting on a certain area,

then prevention would be enough to limit the damage of an earthquake through the securing of buildings or the construction according to strict seismic criteria. In Japan and in California, an earthquake of intensity equal to that Aquilano, would not harm the victims and would create much smaller.

A L'Aquila, in an area of \u200b\u200bhigh seismic risk, "the palace of the government" or the Prefecture and the hospital, two buildings that are called in jargon " strategic "or in case of disasters should work for coordination and relief have been rendered uninhabitable by the quake.

In a city with such a seismic risk is unacceptable
  • relatively new buildings have collapsed,

  • la prefettura sia crollata,

  • l'ospedale (inaugurato nel 2000) sia stato reso inagibile.

  • non esistesse un Ufficio di Protezione Civile,

  • non esistesse un piano di emergenza provinciale (obbligatorio per legge dal 1989, personalmente ho partecipato alla redazione di quello per la Provincia di Udine),

  • come mai non sono mai stati eseguiti studi di prevenzione sismica (amplificazione sismica e vulnerabilità),

Mi chiedo poi, perchè gli edifici strategici non sono stati messi in sicurezza con azioni di consolidamento?
E la magistratura che fa.......?? C'è un evidente problem of lack of prevention and instead of investigating the directors, who have not complied with the law, it investigates the lack of foresight!

forecast to alert .... ......... what beautiful words ..... To locate an earthquake precursor, it takes research ...... but without research funding, no research (or researchers with fixed-term contract, paid two pounds, with no certainty for the future that might have to go over the rooftops to be heard) that research can be done ... ..... They should also be investigated all the governments that cut indiscriminately resources to research ..... or not?

Date entry the initiative of researchers from INGV, publicized the initiative.



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