Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ho To Treat Folliculitis

The Song of the Spirits Finding your own voice

Price € 6.20
The Meeting Point
Edition - Book - 142 Pages

shamanic chant help re-establish communication with the forces of nature. Each new resonance energy is a gift, a revelation, a transformation tool ...

Philippe Barraqué - is a musicologist, music therapist, writer (He has a series of books, some of which are also published in Italy), composer and vocalist of great talent. Graduated from the Academy and owner of un dottorato di musicologia presso l'Università di Parigi, questo poliedrico artista si è specializzato nello studio degli stati modificati di coscienza indotti dai suoni e nell'azione ristrutturante della voce su cellule, ghiandole endocrine e sistema nervoso.

DELLO STESSO AUTORE DI "Il Canto degli Spiriti"

Alle sorgenti del canto sacro
Viaggi nella voce
Il Canto degli Spiriti
La voce che guarisce


The Shamanic Journey (with CD enclosed)
The Power of Belief
The Shamanic Way of the Four Sacred Elements
Gaia, the Magic Planet
The Four Elements of Change
How Making Your Dreams
Live with Passion
We Sparks of Light
Learning to Live
Your Free Thought

Og mudbone die

Maps Shamanic Ecstasy A shamanic journey to discover themselves and ecstasy

Price € 10.49 instead of 14.98 30% discount

Futura Group - Book - Pages 228
Size: 13.5 x21

Year: 1997

The method of Gabrielle Roth proposed the revival of our power through the techniques of ancient shamans. When we experience moments of ecstasy in the game, in the silence, in art or in sex, are fleeting moments, un’eccezione, un incidente fortuito, ma un vero assaggio di quello che la nostra vita dovrebbe essere.
Perché non dovremmo essere in grado di vivere sempre più in estasi, se abbiamo il coraggio di uscire dall’inerzia e dalla limitazione e di avventurarci nel campo dell’intuizione e dell’immaginazione.

L’estasi è un ideale, un obiettivo, ma potrebbe essere la prospettiva di ogni giorno. Quei momenti in cui siamo legati al nostro corpo, puri di cuori, con la mente sgombra, immersi nella nostra anima e circondati dallo spirito della vita, quei momenti sono nostri per diritto di nascita.
Gabrielle Roth, che ha insegnato le sue tecniche liberatorie a migliaia di persone negli Stati Uniti and Europe suggests a shamanic journey that leads us to explore, first hand, the whole body, heart, mind, soul and spirit that goes by the limits of the ego to the limitless expanse of the soul.

Gabrielle Roth is the creator of urban shamanism. A set of lessons, sounds, movements and rituals suited to residents in large urban areas who want to discover themselves and their spirituality. The great metropolis
disorient the individual creating stress, anxiety and uncertainty. There is no remedy, says Gabrielle, this book shows us how to turn, at once, our routine life in art. We must rediscover the singer, artist, the dancer, poet, actor and the magical healing that are latent within us all.

Gabrielle Roth is a musician, songwriter, dancer, conductor, philosopher and artist, ranging from music to dance trance, with a particular interest in shamanism. Known as the "urban shaman" is the music director of the theater company, The Mirrors, and was a member of the Actor's Studio. It 'was a teacher of Kripalu and Esalen Institutes. Currently teaching experimental theater in New York, a course based on The Roth 5Rhythms and teaches others how to use shamanic methods within artistic contexts, education, and healing. Over the years, Gabrielle has worked with the composer-guitarist Lenny Kaye (Patti Smith Band), Allison Cornell, Jai Uttal (Indian musician), Boris Grebenshikov, Gordy Ryan, Arthur Hull, Steven Scales (Talking Heads), and Cyro Baptista (Paul Simon and Laurie Anderson).

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Maps of Ecstasy"

Music for Slow Flow Yoga - vol. 1 - Yogafit
Still Chillin '

The Shamanic Journey (with CD enclosed)
The Power of Belief
The Shamanic Way of the Four Sacred Elements
Gaia, the Magic Planet
The Four Elements of Change

Monday, October 25, 2010

Auto Charge Nimh 9v Schematic

Conversations with Carlos Castaneda

Price € 10.85 The Meeting Point
- Book - 142 Pages

Carmina Fort presents the extraordinary artist who through his writings has fascinated generations of readers, thanks to a system of inner growth, full of archetypal ingredients, which he first experimented with success.


Encounters with the Nagual
The Wheel of Time
Conversations with Castaneda
Carlos Castaneda Biography the
Conversations between Warriors in a memory of Carlos Castaneda

Andrew Wright Sean Cody

Freedom Spiritual Life and teachings of Carlos Castaneda

Price € 13.50

Chrysalis Publishing - Book - 140 Pages

This text presents a fascinating reading of the works of Carlos Castaneda, reinterpreted in the theoretical context of analytical psychology of Carl Jung. In the relationship between Jung and shamanism some interesting parallels emerge, such as, for example, between the individuation process and the process of transformation Shamanism. Both these processes have as their objective the integration of ever larger layers of the human being and the attainment of a state of wholeness and freedom '. Jung is no coincidence, in the treatment of his works, he constantly attacks and explicit in the field of anthropology and ethnography.


Free Insights, free to fly
us who live and believe
Return to Home
Risvegli Spirituali
Camminate Finché Avete la Luce
Spirito Libero n. 27 - Dicembre 2010
Spirito Libero n. 26 - Novembre 2010
Il Manuale dell'Errante - Volume 1
Noi Scintille di Luce
Una Vita Attraversata da un Sogno

Anchor Hocking Bakeware India

The Second Ring of Power The Power of Silence

Prezzo € 9,80
Bur Rizzoli
- Libro - Pagine 304

Straordinario come tutti libri di Castaneda, "Il secondo anello del potere" offre qualcosa di più: la visione concreta di una dimensione oscura, al di là della ragione eppure reale, quella dell'esercizio pratico della magia nella vita quotidiana, dell'ascesa iniziatica verso la perfezione e la libertà.

DELLO STESSO AUTORE DI "Il secondo anello del potere"

L'Isola del Tonal
Si vive solo due volte
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time
The active side of infinity


The real question
Osho Times No. 174 - December / January 2011 with attached "Freedom from Illusions"
The Paths of the Soul
The Spark of Awakening
PD Ouspensky - The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff
How to Win the Challenges of Life
The Song of a Happy Man
Because you can change World
Between Heaven and Earth
My Vision of the Future of Humanity

Wedding Digital Paper

Price € 8.50
Rizzoli Bur
- Book - Pages 273

In the wild, hallucinatory landscape of ancient Mexico and immutable, among the reminiscences of the more remote indigenous civilization, calms down the noise of everyday life dissolve the concerns, anxieties, fears: states Therefore, to rule unchallenged, the inner silence. It thus becomes possible to tap into arcane energies, hidden forces of the spirit that the rationality of the modern Western world has choked, forgotten, lost.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Power of Silence"

Tales of Power
The Power of Silence
You Only Live Twice
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time


The real question Lives
Osho Times No. 174 - December / January 2011 with attachment " Freedom from Illusions "
The Paths of the Soul
The Spark of Awakening
PD Ouspensky - The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff
How to Win the Challenges of Life
The Song of a Happy Man
Why you can change the world
Between Heaven and Earth
My Vision of the Future of Humanity

Cervix Position 2 Days Before Period

The Eagle's Gift

Price € 8.60
- Book - 315 Pages

Un'eperienza really lived, but completely foreign to the mentality of Western man of the twentieth century, this is the fundamental characteristic that can be found in the works Peruvian ethnologist and anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.Nel hallucinatory landscape of the arid and desolate shores of Mexico 'different', including the ancient ruins of the most remote indigenous civilization, the apprentice reaches the highest level of magical powers: get the "Eagle's Gift", freedom, dissolves all forms of packaging and becomes 'nagual', pure cosmic energy.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Eagle's Gift"

Tales of Power
The Power of Silence
You Only Live Twice
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time


The real question Lives
Osho Times No. 174 - December / January 2011 with attached "Freedom from Illusions"
The Paths of the Soul
The Spark of Awakening
PD Ouspensky - The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff
How to Win the Challenges of Life
The Song of a Happy Man
Because you can change the World
Between Heaven and Earth
My Vision of the Future of Humanity

Sample Opening Remarks For Anniversary

Tales of Power

Price € 9.80
Rizzoli Bur
- Book - 393 Pages
Size: 13x20

Year: 1975 -2007

A university professor of ethnology decides to learn the arts practiced by the sorcerers, but for ten years, the impression of being teased by them. Only at the end will find that this "trick" is actually a teaching technique, a different way to start to knowledge. This book tells the final phase dell'imbroglio and the summary form of apprenticeship.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Tales of Power"

Tales of Power
You Only Live Twice
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time
The active side of infinity


La Vera Domanda Vive
Osho Times n° 174 - Dicembre/Gennaio 2011 con allegato "Libertà dalle Illusioni"
I Sentieri dell'Anima
La Scintilla del Risveglio
P.D. Ouspensky - Il Genio nell'Ombra di Gurdjieff
Come Vincere le Sfide della Vita
Il Canto di un Uomo Felice
Perchè si Può Cambiare il Mondo
Tra Cielo e Terra
La Mia Visione del Futuro dell'Umanità

Gay Sauna In New Hampshire

The Fire from The three stages of the wisdom of the shaman

Prezzo € 8,80
Bur Rizzoli
- Libro - Pagine 316
Formato: 13x20

Anno: 1985

Il libro vede ancora protagonisti Don Juan e Genaro con il loro apprendista, lo scrittore peruviano Carlos Castaneda. Tra Juan e Carlos si crea un sodalizio, un'amicizia, uno straordinario rapporto maestro-discepolo.

Gli iniziatori non insegnano a Carlos stregoneria o incantesimi, ma the three parts of an ancient knowledge: awareness of being, the lurking and intent.

are no sorcerers, but visionaries, and Juan is also a nagual, shaman, that is, and above all "freedom fighters" total master because of the perception, and intent of the attack.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Fire from Within"

Tales of Power
You Only Live Twice
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time
The active side of infinity


The Essence of Mastery of Love
The Essence of the 4 Agreements
The Essence of the Voice of Knowledge
Soul Hunt (New Edition)
Woman Light
Nude King 09 - Religion Shamanism
Nude King 09 - Shamanism Religious CD Annex
must be awake to dream
The Fifth Agreement
The disease does not exist

How Does A Round Drum On A Gun Work

side active infinitive

Price € 8.70
- Book - Page 296

The Active Side of Infinity is the region accessed by the shamans after death. To prepare for the final journey into the unknown, shamans, acts and look back and relive important moments of their lives: the most effective method to collect the sum total of their knowledge and emotions, their own vital energy. To this Don Juan Matus, the Yaqui shaman who chose Castaneda, urges him to put together the 'album' of their experiences. This book is just the album of a warrior spirit.
the author of "The Active Side of Infinity"


Friday, October 22, 2010

Angled Ceiling Closet Rod

Secondo me li pigliano per i fondelli


Photo Courtesy of

And do you think? : D Greetings


Monday, October 18, 2010

Contraceptive Pill Loette


One color, one symbol for a universal message.

"The Pink Ribbon Campaign , created in 1989 by Evelyn Lauder in the U.S. and promoted worldwide, aims to raise awareness of an increasing number of women on ' vital importance of preventing and Early detection of breast cancer and inform the public about women also properly healthy lifestyle to take and the diagnostic checks to be carried out .

Breast Cancer and the importance of early diagnosis

Throughout the Western world, breast cancer tumor is the first female per numero di casi e la sua incidenza è in costante aumento, tanto da essere considerato alla stregua di una vera e propria malattia sociale . In Italia si calcola che nel 2010 i nuovi casi di tumore alla mammella saliranno a circa 42mila. Sconfiggere la malattia è possibile nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi, grazie soprattutto alla prevenzione e all’anticipazione diagnostica."

Un nastro rosa che accarezza tantissimi blog, e colora di speranza la rete.
Un colore da sempre simbolo della femminilità, per sensibilizzare tutte le donne a sconfiggere il tumore con la migliore arma a disposizione: la PREVENZIONE.
E siccome abbiamo la golosa abitudine di parlare di cibo, perché non pensiamo anche ad adottare uno stile di vita sano anche a tavola? Perché anche quel che mangiamo contribuisce alla prevenzione .


Un grazie di cuore a SemplicementePepeRosa per aver diffuso la notizia dell'iniziativa.
Un grazie di cuore a MammaFelice per impegnarsi a ospitare tutti i blog che partecipano.
Un grazie a tutte e tutti per esserci!

Arabic: شريط وردي
Urdu: گلابی ربن
English: Lazo Rosa
Filipino: Lasong Rosas
French: Ruban Rose
Italian: Nastro Rosa
Galician: Lazo Vermello
Valencian: Llaç rosa
Catalan: Cinta rosa
German: Rosa Schleife
Dutch: Roze Lint
Danish: Lyserøde Sløjfe
Croatian: Ružičasta vrpca
Czech: Růžová stužka
Finnish: Roosa Nauha
Hungarian: Rózsaszín szalag
Macedonian: Розева панделка
Norwegian: Rosa Sløyfe
Korean: 핑크리본
Latvian: Rozā lente
Lithuanian: Rožinis kaspinas
Persian: روبان صورتی
Polish: Różowa Wstążka
Portuguese: Fita Rosa
Romanian: Panglica Roz
Russian: Pозовая Лента
Slovak: Ružová stužka
Swedish: Rosa Bandet
Catalan: Llaç Rosa
Turkish: Pembe Kurdele
Japanese: ピンクリボン
Chinese: 粉红丝带
Hebrew: סרט ורוד
Serbian: Ружичаста машна
Slovenian: Rožnati trak
Ukrainian: Рожева стрічка
Greek: Ρόζ κορδέλα

And you've already booked your appointment?
What are you waiting?

During the month of October, more than 390 points Prevention (clinics) LILT , most of which are within 106 provincial sections of the Italian League for the Fight Against Cancer will be available to visits for women breast.
For days and hours of the surgery LILT closer, which also make early detection screening and checks, you can call for information, the toll SOS LILT 800-998877 or see the list of surgeries LILT on Italian soil at the site

Get the phone calls and spread the word to your friends!

Cleaning The Cervical Mucus

Addio ad un grande matematico. E non solo

Look at this picture.
And your thoughts go to a figure of the great mathematician who in 1975 gave a jolt to the certainties of an entire category.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday Wish Romania


Nonostante le mie migliori intenzioni quest'anno non sono riuscita ad arrivare puntuale all'appuntamento con la quinta edizione del World Bread Day 2010 promosso da Zorra. 

Oggi ho pensato comunque di 'festeggiare' questo appuntamento in una maniera un po' insolita. Cosa si fa con il pane che avanza? Perché per quanto io sia golosa di pane&affini, mi capita ogni tanto di 'sbagliare i conti' e ritrovarmi con del pane di troppo. Una delle ricette della tradizione che mi fa impazzire sono i Canerderli o Knödel , piatto tipico della tradizione trentina, altoatesina e tirolese, anzi credo proprio che anche nella zona delle Dolomiti bellunesi sia diffuso. Esistono infinite varianti di questo grosso, saporito gnocco a base di pane: salate con speck, formaggi, verdure. Si servono in brodo o asciutti conditi con abbondante burro fuso e formaggio. Pochi sanno che esiste anche the sweet version. Up to this morning but I did not think it was possible to enjoy a 'translation' vegan.
strastraconvinta fact that I was not the whole egg is stale bread mappazza could not in any way to be together without disintegrate during cooking.


VEGAN Knodel
(per person)
100 grams of bread
50 g chopped spinach and
1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon
cornstarch 1 / 2 cup of soy milk a pinch of salt
a trickle of olive oil

for seasoning: 1 tablespoon butter
chopped almonds 1 teaspoon baking chips
minced fresh chives
a pinch of salt

Cut the bread into cubes, moisten with half a glass of warm soy milk and let stand. You may need to add a little milk if the bread is too dry. I generally use bread the day before, not bone-dry, with long thin crust.
In a pan fry the onion in a little olive oil and chopped spinach quickly switch to dry as possible. Season with salt.
Combine spinach with soaked bread, add a tablespoon of cornstarch, you get a compound with which it formed with two hands pallotte compact. If it is too dry, add a goccino ino ino of milk, if it is too wet a little 'bread crumbs.
Put boiling salted water (preferably vegetable stock) and boil the dumplings for ten minutes.
Drain, toss with the butter-veg-time (usually not use this kind of margarine to season, but in this case I wanted very strongly because the oil on your dumplings there is, in my opinion. This is what I prefer), with vegan parmesan (a teaspoon of finely chopped almonds, 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder, a pinch of salt) with chopped chives.
NOTE - I am committed to measure what I used to write a post on purpose, but in general with the dumplings 'regulations' (as with the meatballs and many other recipes with bread !) I've always done 'by eye', because according to the moisture of the bread, spinach or other vegetables can vary the amount of milk to use or may need to add a pinch of starch or a spoonful of dry bread crumbs for a bit 'the compound. Try
, become familiar with the consistency of the dough and then forget the scale!

P iccola, optional but very interesting variant greedy: in the photos (taken in frettissima with a hungry crazy!) Can perhaps be noted that there is 'something' in white at the center of the dumpling cut in half. I tried to 'enter' a soft core made of No-Muh Melty , a brilliant idea vegan mozzarella. For those who do not want / can not eat dairy, there are delightful little people as quelle di Vegusto che producono interessanti alternative al formaggio (simili a questa che avevo sperimentato) e ad altri prodotti di origine animale. Ho avuto l'occasione di degustarli ieri in occasione di questa festa , dove ho anche acquistato una confezione di No-Muh Melty da testare. Questo è il primo esperimento, decisamente approvato.
Stasera temo che sacrificherò il resto della confezione sulla pizza!

P.S. - Ho trovato su Veganblog un'altra versione vegan dei canederli (mmmh, ai funghi!... guardate qui ) che la prossima volta proverò!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cataracts & Colloidal Silver

Irrorazioni a bassa, che dico bassa, bassissima quota!

The proof, to use a term so dear to the master peeled.

Photo Courtesy of

More 'than this' do you want? a toucan?


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is Treeborn Frog Limited

Mastichi la cicca? Sei cocainomane (straker dixit)

I must say that the master always surprises me bald!
Although now no longer has' nothing original, thus losing 'ground in the race for 2010 Perlon, sometimes still has some spark of the ancient god: ... um ... verve : D

How here, for example

Straker said ...

Gallons (the one who chews gum nervously) at the conference of October 1, he seemed very tense and worried. On the Net show an arrogant calm that hides certainly very different thoughts.
October 6, 2010 0:46
Stone said ...

sbiascicaza true ... the rubber in an obsessive-compulsive ... propia of the cocaine ... (G)

October 6, 2010 8:26
Straker said. ..


In fact I could brush my teeth after dinner, as I was led behind the need.
But as usually I leave the bag in the hotel and I did not drag behind the restaurant, adding that the country that chicken with rosemary potatoes but chock full of garlic was good, or are likely to lay my neighbors place or chewing Vivident Xylit: D

clearly failed bald?

As for the rest of the world, I would recommend not get to see the butt chewing from the plots.
Or when you see one do report it to the idiot in Sanremo, let's see what you think ...


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trillium 1300 Travel Trailer


C'era una missione per la Golosastra: testare una pasta su richiesta di un amico che ha aperto un negozio bio in centro storico a Verona. Nei soliti negozi non la trovavo, ma dopo tanto peregrinare l'ho scovata per caso in un negozietto in una zona che, in effetti, non è il mio territorio di caccia abituale.
Comprata, infilata nella sportina e portata a casa. E mò che ci preparo? Il tempo scarseggia, l'appetito no.
Eureka! C'è la scorta di zucca già pronta!

Chi mi legge da tempo conosce il mio rapporto conflittuale con la zucca, così quando my mamota goes from peasant to do shopping and brings me a gift of pieces of heavy artillery (This pumpkin weighed over 4 kg) in the afternoon to step merrily slaughtered.
The peel, cut it, the affection, steam cooked in small pieces and pass all of the blender.
Without seasoning or salt, so I can use it for anything.
the evening I can disconnect the hand, wrist, until the whole limb, including shoulder and send him to destruction, but at least I have a lot of bowls in the freezer with the cream of pumpkin "prêt-à - porter.

Hence, this recipe could be quick and painless if you have the pumpkin ready. Otherwise you should consider the time required to clean and steamed.

(roasted pumpkin seeds and the shoyu)

for 4 people 250 g of wheat striped paccheri hard
a bowl of steamed pumpkin soup (500 grams)
1 handful of pumpkin seeds 2 tablespoons shoyu
1 / 2 shallot
extra virgin olive oil Olive
vegetable broth

In a thick bottomed pan roasted a handful of shelled pumpkin seeds (for the series: the pumpkin is thrown away almost nothing), and just let them sizzle at the end of roasting sprinkle with a few tablespoons of shoyu and let it dry.
stewed shallots finely chopped with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and then add the pumpkin puree. If too thick, add a couple tablespoons of vegetable broth to make it pretty smooth. Season with salt (do not overdo it, toasted pumpkin seeds with the shoyu are very tasty!).
Boil pasta in salted water, drain and season with pumpkin cream, a pinch of mixed algae and a spoonful of roasted pumpkin seeds.
Bon appetit!
WARNING: LaGolosastra assumes no liability for any damages resulting from the abuse of roasted pumpkin seeds. We already know that can cause dangerous addictions. Ditto for sunflower seeds, if you were the unhealthy idea to try it toasted with shoyu.
also strongly discouraged the use of shoyu with toasted almonds and flavored with curry. Your life will never be the same.