Monday, October 25, 2010

Gay Sauna In New Hampshire

The Fire from The three stages of the wisdom of the shaman

Prezzo € 8,80
Bur Rizzoli
- Libro - Pagine 316
Formato: 13x20

Anno: 1985

Il libro vede ancora protagonisti Don Juan e Genaro con il loro apprendista, lo scrittore peruviano Carlos Castaneda. Tra Juan e Carlos si crea un sodalizio, un'amicizia, uno straordinario rapporto maestro-discepolo.

Gli iniziatori non insegnano a Carlos stregoneria o incantesimi, ma the three parts of an ancient knowledge: awareness of being, the lurking and intent.

are no sorcerers, but visionaries, and Juan is also a nagual, shaman, that is, and above all "freedom fighters" total master because of the perception, and intent of the attack.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Fire from Within"

Tales of Power
You Only Live Twice
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time
The active side of infinity


The Essence of Mastery of Love
The Essence of the 4 Agreements
The Essence of the Voice of Knowledge
Soul Hunt (New Edition)
Woman Light
Nude King 09 - Religion Shamanism
Nude King 09 - Shamanism Religious CD Annex
must be awake to dream
The Fifth Agreement
The disease does not exist


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