Monday, October 25, 2010

Andrew Wright Sean Cody

Freedom Spiritual Life and teachings of Carlos Castaneda

Price € 13.50

Chrysalis Publishing - Book - 140 Pages

This text presents a fascinating reading of the works of Carlos Castaneda, reinterpreted in the theoretical context of analytical psychology of Carl Jung. In the relationship between Jung and shamanism some interesting parallels emerge, such as, for example, between the individuation process and the process of transformation Shamanism. Both these processes have as their objective the integration of ever larger layers of the human being and the attainment of a state of wholeness and freedom '. Jung is no coincidence, in the treatment of his works, he constantly attacks and explicit in the field of anthropology and ethnography.


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Camminate Finché Avete la Luce
Spirito Libero n. 27 - Dicembre 2010
Spirito Libero n. 26 - Novembre 2010
Il Manuale dell'Errante - Volume 1
Noi Scintille di Luce
Una Vita Attraversata da un Sogno


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