Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is Treeborn Frog Limited

Mastichi la cicca? Sei cocainomane (straker dixit)

I must say that the master always surprises me bald!
Although now no longer has' nothing original, thus losing 'ground in the race for 2010 Perlon, sometimes still has some spark of the ancient god: ... um ... verve : D

How here, for example

Straker said ...

Gallons (the one who chews gum nervously) at the conference of October 1, he seemed very tense and worried. On the Net show an arrogant calm that hides certainly very different thoughts.
October 6, 2010 0:46
Stone said ...

sbiascicaza true ... the rubber in an obsessive-compulsive ... propia of the cocaine ... (G)

October 6, 2010 8:26
Straker said. ..


In fact I could brush my teeth after dinner, as I was led behind the need.
But as usually I leave the bag in the hotel and I did not drag behind the restaurant, adding that the country that chicken with rosemary potatoes but chock full of garlic was good, or are likely to lay my neighbors place or chewing Vivident Xylit: D

clearly failed bald?

As for the rest of the world, I would recommend not get to see the butt chewing from the plots.
Or when you see one do report it to the idiot in Sanremo, let's see what you think ...



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