Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can You Get Rid Of Fat People Knees

Sastun Shamans Apprenticeship with a Maya healer

Price € 15.30 instead of 18.00 15% discount
Editions Book - 224 Pages
Size: 16x23, 5
Year: 1995

Don Elijah is a Maya shaman almost centenarian who lives in the rainforests of Central America. Cure all sorts of diseases with medicine of the Ancients and with the help of a "power object" - the Sastun - direct connection with the spirits of Maya. His figure is legendary and often come to him with problems or patients considered incurable "supernatural."

Rosita Arvigo, American therapist, met him by chance and, fascinated by the extent of his knowledge, he asks the curandero could become his student.

Sastun is the fascinating story of this encounter, mutual recognition of two people deeply devoted to the care of human suffering, though far apart in culture and tradition. The

Arvigo fully succeed in his task, becoming a healer and getting itself from the gods Maya Sastun its staff.

Currently, the study of plants of Don Elijah at American Institutes for Research has found surprising healing cancer and AIDS.


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