Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Power Adaptor Nicaragua

Sonum: Spirits of the Jungle of Shamanism Mircea Eliade Saora tribe of Orissa

Price € 22.50
Franco Angeli Edizioni
Book - 208 Pages
Format: 15.50 x23
Year : 2003

In a forest inhabited by spirits, the Kuran are shamans who perform ancient rituals and learn the sacred tradition through dreams. Inside one of the most genuine shamanic traditions survive in modern India, cases of possession, rites of exorcism, divination and healing practices are perpetuated in the dense jungles dell'Orissa.

Da un'accurata ricostruzione dell'escatologia e delle concezioni tanatologiche della tribù dei Lanija Saora, uno dei gruppi tribali più consistenti dell'area orientale del subcontinente indiano, si delinea un paradigma di approccio scientifico alla tipologia di sciamanismo centroasiatico.

Sonum: spiriti della giungla è un duplice viaggio basato sulla diretta esperienza di studio sul campo: attraverso le tradizioni tribali dell'India orientale e la dimensione sottile, soprannaturale, che, secondo gli stessi kuran, sembra compenetrare la natura circostante. Affinità e similitudini nel culto delle diverse tribù tracciano una sorta di sentiero che conduce dal microcosmo umano al macrocosmo sciamanico.

Through the whole corpus of the liturgy, but also through everyday gestures, myths and legends, it is perhaps possible to find a key to interpreting the religious roots of the subcontinent itself.

Stefano Beggiora deals with shamanism and tribal cultures since 1997. Particularly interested in phenomena of self-induced trance and possession in the traditional ritual, working in India in the state of Orissa, since 1998. In recent years he also conducted missions to study and research in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and in Mongolia. He has collaborated with the University "La Sapienza" and University "Tor Vergata" in Rome attending conferences, seminars and publishing articles for scientific journals. An expert in audio and audio-visual techniques, has produced a dozen documentary films relating to themes of study in India and Mongolia. Currently conducts research and is completing a doctorate in Indology at the University Ca 'Foscari of Venice, Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures, Department of East Asian Studies.


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