Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hardy Weinberg Problems In Ap Biology Lab 8

Tales of the Wise

Price € 12.75 instead of 15.00 15% discount

The Hippocampus Book - 222 Pages
Size: 9,5 x17, 5
Year: 2010

true initiatory journey, this collection is the first anthology of the legendary shaman, the taiga to the deserts of Australia, from the Mongolian steppes to the Cordillera of the Andes.

unusual Myths tell the origin of the shaman, the birth of the rituals and instruments of music, but also the interdependence of humans, animals and spirits in an impressive tour of other worlds and time of the dream.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Tales of the Shaman Wise"

Tales of the Sages of Japan
Tales of the Wise Men of Tibet
Tales of the Taoist sages
Tales of the Shaman Wise
Tales of the Wise Indians


Stradopulos, Greek Lucca
With Voice Child
The Little Prince (Book + Audiobook bag)
The Little Prince - Graphic Novel
The City of Dreams
Tales of the Wise Men of the Desert
Tales of the Nomad Essays
The Legend of the Holy Murderess
Eye of the Wolf - Audiobook 2 Cd


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