Monday, December 27, 2010

Deed Of Absolute Sale Explained

Way of the Warrior

Price € 12.00 Verdechiaro
Editions Book - 136 Pages
Size: 12.5x19.5
Year: 2003

The author, in 1979, often led by those invisible energies that impel us toward a direction rather than a ' other, decided to go to hear the first Medicine Men arrived in Europe, which were, let 'say, encamped in a mountain village in the Swiss Alps.

The meeting was shocking and determine 'the beginning of a personal path of growth that the author then shared, bringing Italy into one of those shamans, known at the time, and for which I start' to organize various fields seminar . The influx of people confirm 'once more that he was entering a' different era, where personal growth started to become a necessity 'almost vital.

In these pages the author describes those years, following the theme of the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, which accompanies the narration of the experiences of rituals, shared by the Author and the participants. Cosi 'for example we live with them the experience of the Sweat Lodge, the darkness, the heat increases, the discomfort and fatigue in the body and 'subject, but also the effort to keep a cool head while you try to recognize, in the midst of a thousand voices that come in to distract the voice of true insight ...

A book that will share in this growth and will crave to have been presented and have experienced first hand the excitement that the story will arouse in those who started reading this book so 'compelling.

C. Fleischli Caporale - "I lived a good part of my life relocating from city to city and from nation to nation. The university started in Milan were then concluded in the German-speaking Switzerland, where I lived at the time, majoring in education, specializing in foreign languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English, German). In various countries where I lived I taught languages \u200b\u200bin the literature to adolescents in secondary schools as well as evening classes for adults. In these years of teaching a lot of my time has been spent to study and then propose the relational dynamics in which the individual could get to overcome their behavioral problems, learning and social. Schools USA and northern Europe, where I taught most of my life, I am very attentive to the signals of distress, speaking with continuous updates and pedagogical proposals that allow the teacher to deal human issues. "To contact the author please visit:


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