Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Invasion Of Privacy With A Teliscope

Parasites-Dimensional Los Voladores and Carlos Castaneda Installation of the alien video Voladores

The installation of extraneous Voladores

It was precisely the Voladores stupid to instil belief systems , habits, habits social, and it is they who define our fears, our hopes, they are fed continuously and without restraint our Ego.

Carlos: "But what they do, don Juan? Whisper these things to your ear while we sleep? "Don Juan:" Certainly not. It would be idiotic! They are infinitely more efficient and organized. To keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators have been engaged in an amazing, of course, from the perspective of the strategist. Horrible view of the sufferer. They gave us their mind!

gave us their mind!

you listening? The predators have given us their mind, which is ours. The mind of the predators is baroque, contradictory, gloomy, haunted by the fear of being unmasked. Although you have never gone hungry, you're also a victim of anxiety and your food is nothing but the anxiety of the predator, always fearful that her ruse is discovered and the food is denied. Through the mind, after all, is their, predators instill in people's lives that suits them best ... our pettiness and our contradictions are the result of a transcendental conflict that affects us all, but of which only the shamans are desperately and painfully aware of: it is the conflict of our two minds. One is our true mind, the product of our life experiences, one that rarely speaks because it has been defeated and relegated to obscurity. The other, that we use every day for any daily activity, is a foreign installation. "Carlos:" But if the shamans of ancient Mexico and current can see the predators, because they do nothing? "Don Juan" There 'is nothing you and I can do but to exercise self-discipline to make it inaccessible. But perhaps you think you can convince your neighbors to deal with these penalties? She laughs and it would mock you, and more aggressive beat you to death. Not because you believe. In the depths of every human being there is an awareness ancestral, visceral, the existence of the predators. "(1)

No wonder then that children are often afraid of demons, monsters, ghosts or strange shadows (the Black Man), which according to them is hidden under the bed, behind doors, in closets, etc.. Young children see and only when they reached a certain amount of socialization they stop to see, and what was seen as an unconscious presence manifests itself as anxiety, fear, despair, depression ...

"The mind of what flies did not rivals. When it is proposed that something can not agree with itself and lead you to believe that he had done something worthwhile. The mind of what flies tell you that whatever Juan Matus says is just a bunch of nonsense and then she herself will agree with his statement, "but of course, is nonsense," you say. This is how we defeated. "Don Juan Matus (2)

The recent movie The Matrix gives shape to these issues effectively castanediane: the tone of the Toltecs - the everyday world that is the result of socialization and maintained by the activity of mind - Matrix is \u200b\u200ba terrifying trap that allows entities (in this case cars) to plunder the energy of human beings. The thoughts that cross our mind are certainly not "ours", but the mind, through socialization and leads the way so that they are "free" any more than it is a train on rails. The senses are our own, but the software that drives the thinking is alien.

thought constantly recreating the world as we see it (or rather, as we have been taught to see it. Stop thinking for shamans Toltec means "stop the world and see things as they really are: pure energy .
Don Juan explains that shamans can defeat the alien installation through a life of sinlessness (strategic use of energy) because the discipline stroma in the mind immeasurably alien. The discipline and sobriety are the quality of awareness that make the egg patina of glory bright unpleasant to the taste of Voladores. Every time you stop the internal dialogue and enter the inner silence you tire the mind of the predator so untenable that the installation alien escapes. Then it returns, but weakened. Through repeated states of inner silence Installation foreign eventually loses and is not coming back.

Every time you stop the internal dialogue, the world as we know it collapses and emerge totally extraordinary aspects of us, as if until that moment had been watching over our words. Don Juan says that the day on which the alien mind is the day we are left sad and difficult as we are forced to rely on our strengths and there is nobody to tell us what to do. After a life of slavery, our true mind is very weak and insecure and needs to rediscover its identity.

Carlos Castaneda

OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Second Ring of Power"

Tales of Power
You Only Live Twice
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time
The Active Side of Infinity


The real question Lives
Osho Times No. 174 - December / January 2011 with attachment "Freedom from Illusions"
The Paths of the Soul
The Spark of Awakening
PD Ouspensky - The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff
How to Win the Challenges of Life
The Song of a Happy Man
Why you can change the world
Between Heaven and Earth
My Vision of the Future ' Humanity


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