Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stone Chart Eating Disorder

La Porta concerning the invisible

Price € 18.00
Editions Book - Pages 192
Format: 14,5 x21
Year: 2009

Shamanism is the Wisdom of the Old and the Child lnnocenza is the Sacred and the Profane. And dance that possesses instinctive movement, natural. The only penalty is that of the heart, healing through love.

is laughter that arises from having rediscovered his roots. Laughter that comes from the bowels of the Earth to rise in a Mantra to the immensity of Giel. It is harmony, reconnection, the love of wandering, for Man, Respect for God, ecstasy, alchemy, trasformazione. È ritrovarsi insieme attorno al Fuoco Sacro della Vita per celebrarla, onorarla e venerarla.

DELLO STESSO AUTORE DI "La Porta sull'Invisibile"

Money Money Money
La Porta sull'Invisibile


L'Essenza della Padronanza dell'Amore
L'Essenza dei 4 Accordi
L'Essenza della Voce della Conoscenza
Caccia all'Anima (Nuova Edizione)
La Donna della Luce
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo con CD Allegato
Per Sognare Bisogna Essere Svegli
Il Quinto Accordo
La Malattia non Esiste

Lipoma Treatment Bangalore

Initiation to Yoga Shamanic Journey to the boundaries between space and nothingness

Prezzo € 7,75
Mediterranee Edizioni
Libro - Pagine 111
Formato: 13,50x21,50
7 illustrazioni
Anno: 1999

Lo Yoga sciamanico nasce in Tibet, in India e nello Sri Lanka, dall'incontro dello yoga con le tradizioni sciamaniche. L'Autrice ci introduce nel cuore di questo particolare tipo di yoga, sia attraverso il racconto della propria iniziazione, sia mediante una chiara illustrazione dello yoga e dello sciamanismo indiano.

Il fascino dell'esperienza vissuta si unisce all'esposizione pratica: lo yoga sciamanico ci consente di viaggiare nei nostri centri energetici (chakra) e di cogliere la natura dell'estasi sciamanica, o volo sciamanico, rivelandone le tecniche. Il volo sciamanico è uno stato di coscienza ampliato, nel quale possiamo riunirci alle fonti del sapere spontaneo e sperimentare diverse pratiche inziatiche che inducono un nuovo e più costruttivo rapporto con la materia e la vita.

Tra le pratiche da sperimentare vi sono i rituali di reintegrazione (il rituale della canoa sciamanica, il rituale della caccia all'anima nel mondo dei sogni, il rituale del sole nero), quelli di morte e rinascita (il rituale della rinascita mistica), le pratiche che risvegliano il nosro potere vitale (la danza sciamanica, la pratica per la guarigione dello spirito animale), e quelle che aprono la nostra porta del ricevere e ci permettono un rapporto nuovo e più costruttivo con la naturale ricchezza della materia e della vita (il rituale del nyasa, il rituale della prosperità.

DELLO STESSO AUTORE DI "Iniziazione allo Yoga Sciamanico"

Quaderni di Yoga 1
Quaderni di Yoga 2
Il Mito del Superuomo
Iniziazione allo Yoga Sciamanico
Energia e Armonia nello Yoga Integrale


Yoga con Mariel Hemingway e Rodney Yee - Videocorso in DVD
Hatha Yoga - Videocorso in DVD
Poster Ananda Yoga
Poster degli Esercizi di Ricarica
Lo Yoga dell'Amore
Meditazione con i Mudra
Yoga Cards
La Voce del Re Serpente
Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Pranayama - The Fourth dell'Astanga Pearl Yoga

Woodlawn Funeral Home Nashville Tennessee

The New Fundamentals of Teaching Maya-Toltec Seers

Price € 13.00
Editions chakaruna
Book - 70 Pages
Size: 15x20, 5
Year: 2009

Carlos Jesús Castillejos is a pilgrim of time that covers the sacred places where their ancestors have left the aroma of wisdom. in this book, the author offers a practical guide for teaching the younger generation, coming from the custodians of ancient traditions of Mexico. Explanations

sacred architecture and sculpture, the ceremonial centers, the practice of pilgrimage, the use of power objects, one after another, page after page, leaving the reader with the certainty of being nice absorbing unlimited knowledge still present and applicable in daily life.

Carlos Jesús Castillejos is originally from the state of Tabasco, Messico.Ha studied psychology and has dedicated his life to know that is drinking to the sources of the ancient wisdom of the Maya, the elderly and the Master Huicholes Carlos Castaneda.


L'Essenza della Padronanza dell'Amore
L'Essenza dei 4 Accordi
L'Essenza della Voce della Conoscenza
Caccia all'Anima (Nuova Edizione)
La Donna della Luce
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo con CD Allegato
Per Sognare Bisogna Essere Svegli
The Fifth Agreement
The disease does not exist

Gay Cruising Planet Hollywood Las Vegas

Shamans and initiation rite of Australia in Aboriginal society

Price € 19.50
Raffaello Cortina
Editions Book - Pages 200
Size: 14x22,
50 Year: 2002

first book to reveal the secret and sacred practices of the Aborigines, "Shamans of Australia has a wide range of rituals through which the young male than the early stages of ' shamanic initiation, each with its own share of esoteric knowledge.

Essential cohesion Social groups are Karadja, or major initiatives which have magical powers: they think they can make the rain fall, predict events, heal and kill in a mysterious way.

APElkin, one of the most eminent anthropologists in Australia, not only to explain these phenomena, but invites us to try to understand this unique culture by asking in its perspective.

AP Elkin (1891-1979) directed the Department of Anthropology at the University of Sydney. He has written several papers on the topic of Aboriginal Australians, translated all over the world.


The Essence of Mastery of Love
The Essence of the 4 Agreements
The Essence of the Voice of Knowledge
Soul Hunt ( New Edition)
Woman of Light
Nude King 09 - Religion Shamanism
Nude King 09 - Shamanism Religious CD Annex
We must be awake to dream
The Fifth Agreement
Disease does not exist

Power Adaptor Nicaragua

Sonum: Spirits of the Jungle of Shamanism Mircea Eliade Saora tribe of Orissa

Price € 22.50
Franco Angeli Edizioni
Book - 208 Pages
Format: 15.50 x23
Year : 2003

In a forest inhabited by spirits, the Kuran are shamans who perform ancient rituals and learn the sacred tradition through dreams. Inside one of the most genuine shamanic traditions survive in modern India, cases of possession, rites of exorcism, divination and healing practices are perpetuated in the dense jungles dell'Orissa.

Da un'accurata ricostruzione dell'escatologia e delle concezioni tanatologiche della tribù dei Lanija Saora, uno dei gruppi tribali più consistenti dell'area orientale del subcontinente indiano, si delinea un paradigma di approccio scientifico alla tipologia di sciamanismo centroasiatico.

Sonum: spiriti della giungla è un duplice viaggio basato sulla diretta esperienza di studio sul campo: attraverso le tradizioni tribali dell'India orientale e la dimensione sottile, soprannaturale, che, secondo gli stessi kuran, sembra compenetrare la natura circostante. Affinità e similitudini nel culto delle diverse tribù tracciano una sorta di sentiero che conduce dal microcosmo umano al macrocosmo sciamanico.

Through the whole corpus of the liturgy, but also through everyday gestures, myths and legends, it is perhaps possible to find a key to interpreting the religious roots of the subcontinent itself.

Stefano Beggiora deals with shamanism and tribal cultures since 1997. Particularly interested in phenomena of self-induced trance and possession in the traditional ritual, working in India in the state of Orissa, since 1998. In recent years he also conducted missions to study and research in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and in Mongolia. He has collaborated with the University "La Sapienza" and University "Tor Vergata" in Rome attending conferences, seminars and publishing articles for scientific journals. An expert in audio and audio-visual techniques, has produced a dozen documentary films relating to themes of study in India and Mongolia. Currently conducts research and is completing a doctorate in Indology at the University Ca 'Foscari of Venice, Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures, Department of East Asian Studies.


The Essence of Mastery of Love
The Essence of the 4 Agreements
L'Essenza della Voce della Conoscenza
Caccia all'Anima (Nuova Edizione)
La Donna della Luce
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo con CD Allegato
Per Sognare Bisogna Essere Svegli
Il Quinto Accordo
La Malattia non Esiste

Monday, December 27, 2010

Beautiful Agony Archives

Prezzo € 22,00
Castelvecchi Edizioni
Libro - Pagine 235
Anno: 2007

Celebre per i suoi studi sullo Yoga, lo sciamanesimo, l’alchimia e per gli scritti più prettamente filosofici come Il mito dell’eterno ritorno e Mito e realtà, Mircea Eliade (Bucarest 1907 - Chicago 1986) non si è limitato ad essere un attento critico e osservatore del suo tempo, ma ne è stato un protagonista: i viaggi giovanili in Italia e il rapporto precoce con la cultura del nostro Paese, la lunga permanenza in India e lo studio della religiosità hindu, i numerosi legami intellettuali e di amicizia con i maggiori protagonisti del Novecento come Jung, Pettazzoni, Dumézil, Ortega y Gasset, Schmitt e Scholem, l’adesione alla Guardia di Ferro rumena e le relazioni intessute con i suoi principali ideologi e sostenitori (Codreanu, Ionescu, Cioran, ecc.), il lavoro diplomatico svolto in Portogallo e, infine, la consacrazione del periodo francese e la lunga docenza all’Università di Chicago. La sua opera e il suo pensiero sono costellati da una miriade di elementi originali che suscitano sempre grande fascino.

Alessandro Mariotti (Firenze, 1975) si è laureato in Filosofia Teoretica all’Università di Firenze, dove ha concluso un dottorato di ricerca dedicato all’opera di Mircea Eliade.


Yoga with Rodney Yee and Mariel Hemingway - DVD Videocourse
Hatha Yoga - DVD Videocourse
Posters Ananda Yoga
Poster Exercises Recharge
Yoga of Love
Meditation with Mudra
Yoga Cards
The Voice of
King Snake
Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Pranayama - The Fourth dell'Astanga Pearl Yoga

Deed Of Absolute Sale Explained

Way of the Warrior

Price € 12.00 Verdechiaro
Editions Book - 136 Pages
Size: 12.5x19.5
Year: 2003

The author, in 1979, often led by those invisible energies that impel us toward a direction rather than a ' other, decided to go to hear the first Medicine Men arrived in Europe, which were, let 'say, encamped in a mountain village in the Swiss Alps.

The meeting was shocking and determine 'the beginning of a personal path of growth that the author then shared, bringing Italy into one of those shamans, known at the time, and for which I start' to organize various fields seminar . The influx of people confirm 'once more that he was entering a' different era, where personal growth started to become a necessity 'almost vital.

In these pages the author describes those years, following the theme of the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, which accompanies the narration of the experiences of rituals, shared by the Author and the participants. Cosi 'for example we live with them the experience of the Sweat Lodge, the darkness, the heat increases, the discomfort and fatigue in the body and 'subject, but also the effort to keep a cool head while you try to recognize, in the midst of a thousand voices that come in to distract the voice of true insight ...

A book that will share in this growth and will crave to have been presented and have experienced first hand the excitement that the story will arouse in those who started reading this book so 'compelling.

C. Fleischli Caporale - "I lived a good part of my life relocating from city to city and from nation to nation. The university started in Milan were then concluded in the German-speaking Switzerland, where I lived at the time, majoring in education, specializing in foreign languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English, German). In various countries where I lived I taught languages \u200b\u200bin the literature to adolescents in secondary schools as well as evening classes for adults. In these years of teaching a lot of my time has been spent to study and then propose the relational dynamics in which the individual could get to overcome their behavioral problems, learning and social. Schools USA and northern Europe, where I taught most of my life, I am very attentive to the signals of distress, speaking with continuous updates and pedagogical proposals that allow the teacher to deal human issues. "To contact the author please visit: www.evolutivity.info


Warrior Woman
Indians' America
Redskins 2011 Calendar
Calendar Chiefs of the Native Nations - 2011
The Wisdom of Native America
Tales of the Wise Redskin
The Eagle Feather
Soul Standing in
Warrior and Apache Chief Victorio
Cuore d'Aquila

Beautiful Agony Underwater

The invocation of the Gods life histories of a Buryat Shaman

Price € 15.00
Xenia Edizioni
Book - Pages 200
Year: 2008

In the middle of Siberia, near Lake Baikal, under Soviet rule, a young girl's family Buryat has strange visions: images of his ancestors on the walls come alive, come down to surround his bed. Sleep signs of the ancient shamanic vocation that Nadia does not recognize ... Illustrated in color


The Essence of Mastery of Love
The Essence of the 4 Agreements
The Essence of the Voice of Knowledge
Soul Hunt (New Edition)
Woman of Light
Nude King 09 - Religion Shamanism
Nude King 09 - Shamanism Religious CD Annex
must be awake to dream
The Fifth Agreement
The Illness There

Concrete Bathtub Molds


Price € 6.50
Xenia Edizioni
Book - 128 Pages

activity magic in archaic societies, as a spiritual experience and how response to the conflict between man and nature.
- Il ruolo del mago e dello sciamano, depositario del rituale e delle conoscenze segrete
- Il rito, una procedura simbolica per scagionare l'incontrollabilità degli eventi
- La danza, il volo magico, il suono suggestivo del tamburo: i momenti della trance

Massimo Centini - Studioso di antropologia, di tradizioni popolari e di tematiche legate alla spiritualità, lavora presso il Centro Studi Tradizioni Popolari dell'Associazione Piemontese di Torino, ed è autore di numerosi libri e articoli.


La Criminologia
the extraordinary world of the Paranormal
routes Esotericism


The Essence of Mastery of Love
The Essence of the 4 Agreements
The Essence of the Voice of Knowledge
Soul Hunt (New Edition)
Woman of Light
Nude King 09 - Religion Shamanism
Nude King 09 - Shamanism Religious CD Annex
must be awake to dream
The Fifth Agreement
The disease does not exist

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Battery Flashing Camera Olympus What Does

Primitive Stars Under Different Souls For

Price € 10.97 instead of 12.91 15% discount
Xenia Edizioni
Libro - Pagine 219
Formato: 14x21
Anno: 1998

La nostra storia ha inizio un giorno di luglio alla periferia di Belo Horizonte, terza città del Brasile, quattrocentocinquanta chilometri a nord-ovest di Rio. Ci troviamo nel centro di recupero per pazienti psicotici del dotar Edson e siamo, appunto, sotto stelle diverse, le stelle dell'emisfero sud. Sta per incominciare una sessione di lavoro terapeutico nel salone appositamente predisposto. La terapia del dotar Edson era del tutto particolare e, sembrava, anche straordinariamente efficace. Si trattava di una rielaborazione di antichi rituali del sincretismo religioso afrobrasiliano, integrato a pratiche terapeutiche bioenergetiche and hypnotic. I heard for the first time the Brazilian dotar Edson by a psychiatrist friend of my wife's family ....

Pierluigi Lattuada, medical psychotherapist, is president of the Association for medicine and transpersonal psychology, director of the Italian Society of Biotransenergetics and Training School in Transpersonal Psychotherapy.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Under Different Stars"


Build A Perfct Wrestler

Umbanda - Tchourek ... as the Moon Trance, healing and sacred rites of Tuva shaman

Price € 6.80 instead of 8.00 discount 15%
Libreria Editrice Psyche
Book - 80 Pages
Year: 1999

Through the poetic narrative of her life, Ai-Tchourek Ojun, powerful shaman Tuva, brings us in contact with the magical reality of his visionary world by the hand and accompanies us to discover the powers of nature.

Siberia is a land of harsh, unforgiving. Everything was so difficult ... but you make it, guided by voices coming from the distant past, belonging to his ancestors, the powerful Shaman Celestial race. You stand it because his job is to bring relief to humanity.

"My dream has always been one of nomadic life, living different realities and dimensions of ordinary experience ..."


L'Essenza della Padronanza dell'Amore
L'Essenza dei 4 Accordi
L'Essenza della Voce della Conoscenza
Caccia all'Anima (Nuova Edizione)
La Donna della Luce
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo
Re Nudo 09 - Religione Sciamanesimo con CD Allegato
must be awake to dream
The Fifth Agreement
The disease does not exist

Hardy Weinberg Problems In Ap Biology Lab 8

Tales of the Wise

Price € 12.75 instead of 15.00 15% discount

The Hippocampus Book - 222 Pages
Size: 9,5 x17, 5
Year: 2010

true initiatory journey, this collection is the first anthology of the legendary shaman, the taiga to the deserts of Australia, from the Mongolian steppes to the Cordillera of the Andes.

unusual Myths tell the origin of the shaman, the birth of the rituals and instruments of music, but also the interdependence of humans, animals and spirits in an impressive tour of other worlds and time of the dream.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Tales of the Shaman Wise"

Tales of the Sages of Japan
Tales of the Wise Men of Tibet
Tales of the Taoist sages
Tales of the Shaman Wise
Tales of the Wise Indians


Stradopulos, Greek Lucca
With Voice Child
The Little Prince (Book + Audiobook bag)
The Little Prince - Graphic Novel
The City of Dreams
Tales of the Wise Men of the Desert
Tales of the Nomad Essays
The Legend of the Holy Murderess
Eye of the Wolf - Audiobook 2 Cd

Can You Get Rid Of Fat People Knees

Sastun Shamans Apprenticeship with a Maya healer

Price € 15.30 instead of 18.00 15% discount
Editions Book - 224 Pages
Size: 16x23, 5
Year: 1995

Don Elijah is a Maya shaman almost centenarian who lives in the rainforests of Central America. Cure all sorts of diseases with medicine of the Ancients and with the help of a "power object" - the Sastun - direct connection with the spirits of Maya. His figure is legendary and often come to him with problems or patients considered incurable "supernatural."

Rosita Arvigo, American therapist, met him by chance and, fascinated by the extent of his knowledge, he asks the curandero could become his student.

Sastun is the fascinating story of this encounter, mutual recognition of two people deeply devoted to the care of human suffering, though far apart in culture and tradition. The

Arvigo fully succeed in his task, becoming a healer and getting itself from the gods Maya Sastun its staff.

Currently, the study of plants of Don Elijah at American Institutes for Research has found surprising healing cancer and AIDS.


The Essence of Mastery of Love
The Essence of the 4 Agreements
L ' Essence of the Voice of Knowledge
Soul Hunt (New Edition)
Woman of Light
Nude King 09 - Religion Shamanism
Nude King 09 - Shamanism Religious CD Annex
must be awake to dream
The Fifth Agreement
The disease does not exist

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Invasion Of Privacy With A Teliscope

Parasites-Dimensional Los Voladores and Carlos Castaneda Installation of the alien video Voladores

The installation of extraneous Voladores

It was precisely the Voladores stupid to instil belief systems , habits, habits social, and it is they who define our fears, our hopes, they are fed continuously and without restraint our Ego.

Carlos: "But what they do, don Juan? Whisper these things to your ear while we sleep? "Don Juan:" Certainly not. It would be idiotic! They are infinitely more efficient and organized. To keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators have been engaged in an amazing, of course, from the perspective of the strategist. Horrible view of the sufferer. They gave us their mind!

gave us their mind!

you listening? The predators have given us their mind, which is ours. The mind of the predators is baroque, contradictory, gloomy, haunted by the fear of being unmasked. Although you have never gone hungry, you're also a victim of anxiety and your food is nothing but the anxiety of the predator, always fearful that her ruse is discovered and the food is denied. Through the mind, after all, is their, predators instill in people's lives that suits them best ... our pettiness and our contradictions are the result of a transcendental conflict that affects us all, but of which only the shamans are desperately and painfully aware of: it is the conflict of our two minds. One is our true mind, the product of our life experiences, one that rarely speaks because it has been defeated and relegated to obscurity. The other, that we use every day for any daily activity, is a foreign installation. "Carlos:" But if the shamans of ancient Mexico and current can see the predators, because they do nothing? "Don Juan" There 'is nothing you and I can do but to exercise self-discipline to make it inaccessible. But perhaps you think you can convince your neighbors to deal with these penalties? She laughs and it would mock you, and more aggressive beat you to death. Not because you believe. In the depths of every human being there is an awareness ancestral, visceral, the existence of the predators. "(1)

No wonder then that children are often afraid of demons, monsters, ghosts or strange shadows (the Black Man), which according to them is hidden under the bed, behind doors, in closets, etc.. Young children see and only when they reached a certain amount of socialization they stop to see, and what was seen as an unconscious presence manifests itself as anxiety, fear, despair, depression ...

"The mind of what flies did not rivals. When it is proposed that something can not agree with itself and lead you to believe that he had done something worthwhile. The mind of what flies tell you that whatever Juan Matus says is just a bunch of nonsense and then she herself will agree with his statement, "but of course, is nonsense," you say. This is how we defeated. "Don Juan Matus (2)

The recent movie The Matrix gives shape to these issues effectively castanediane: the tone of the Toltecs - the everyday world that is the result of socialization and maintained by the activity of mind - Matrix is \u200b\u200ba terrifying trap that allows entities (in this case cars) to plunder the energy of human beings. The thoughts that cross our mind are certainly not "ours", but the mind, through socialization and leads the way so that they are "free" any more than it is a train on rails. The senses are our own, but the software that drives the thinking is alien.

thought constantly recreating the world as we see it (or rather, as we have been taught to see it. Stop thinking for shamans Toltec means "stop the world and see things as they really are: pure energy .
Don Juan explains that shamans can defeat the alien installation through a life of sinlessness (strategic use of energy) because the discipline stroma in the mind immeasurably alien. The discipline and sobriety are the quality of awareness that make the egg patina of glory bright unpleasant to the taste of Voladores. Every time you stop the internal dialogue and enter the inner silence you tire the mind of the predator so untenable that the installation alien escapes. Then it returns, but weakened. Through repeated states of inner silence Installation foreign eventually loses and is not coming back.

Every time you stop the internal dialogue, the world as we know it collapses and emerge totally extraordinary aspects of us, as if until that moment had been watching over our words. Don Juan says that the day on which the alien mind is the day we are left sad and difficult as we are forced to rely on our strengths and there is nobody to tell us what to do. After a life of slavery, our true mind is very weak and insecure and needs to rediscover its identity.

Carlos Castaneda

OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Second Ring of Power"

Tales of Power
You Only Live Twice
Castaneda and the Witches of Nagual
The Wheel of Time
The Active Side of Infinity


The real question Lives
Osho Times No. 174 - December / January 2011 with attachment "Freedom from Illusions"
The Paths of the Soul
The Spark of Awakening
PD Ouspensky - The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff
How to Win the Challenges of Life
The Song of a Happy Man
Why you can change the world
Between Heaven and Earth
My Vision of the Future ' Humanity

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sandrails For Sale Tampa

Tensegrity The seven magical movements of the shamans of ancient Mexico

Price € 8.80
Rizzoli Bur
Book - Pages 297

With this volume, based on movements, called magical passes (shown for time time through photographic sequences), Castaneda plans to introduce its own player in this dimension of easing tension, with the release of maximum energy can be dispersed. The word tensegrity

merge the concepts of tension and integrity, and the term the author uses to define the method by which the shamans of Mexico coming into contact with the secret energy the universe and use it for their own welfare. It is a strange book than the author's literary production, as a practical manual, however, also composed by spiritual considerations, and supplemented by the teachings of Don Juan, once again guide and teacher.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Tensegrity"


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Decibel Protection For Shooting

Today there are many words, now I just want to send a message.
This is not about politics, it is COMPLIANCE.

Le blogger che aderiscono a questa iniziativa vogliono fortissimamente affermare ad alta voce che NO , non ci stanno. 

Noi PRETENDIAMO il rispetto da chi  "offende gli omosessuali, le loro famiglie e i loro amici insieme e, nella sua concezione utilitaristica, tutte le donne" (P.Patané- Presidente nazionale Arcigay) .
Aderisco con vero gusto a questa inziziativa, perché i finocchi a casa mia sono sempre  molto molto graditi.

Metti un finocchio a cena
(Più fennel for everyone!)

fennel cream
a big fennel (about 300g)
1 / 2 liter of milk about 50 grams of soy
flakes 5 cereals
a teaspoon of nut Plant
a drizzle of extra virgin olive
black pepper (Sichuan, in this case)

Recipe superfast, super easy, super cuddly. In the time of those much-cited "a dance" you'll have a tasty dish, light, warm, comfortable, healthy and full dinner to enjoy while it's cold and raining outside (Required: tv strictly off that certain outputs could not guess just make dishes indigestible).
Slice the fennel very thin (0.5 by mandolin) rinse under running water in a pot and put in any size practice.
Cover with soy milk, add a teaspoon of vegetable nut and bring to a boil. Let simmer until the fennel are soft (10 minutes and are ready for sure), turn off the heat and add the cereal flakes. Let stand for 5 minutes, then spend all of the blender. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil and abundant grated black pepper.
Doses perfect for two hungry people. We welcome also the toast;)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Impetigo In Dogs Treatment


Hello! I am a post scheduled to be published early in the morning early.

You, reader you just woke up, prepare coffee and a nice (if the experiment worked post programming) company while you do the sip. You want a slice of pie?

Ok, be patient: the tart, unfortunately, was only virtual.
The tart was also an excuse to usher in my new rectangular mold with removable bottom, which has become my (finally, I wanted to be a lot of time) after the raid, including a picnic / snack tasty, with the three with Brescia Artebianca ! I always liked a lot and now has joined the big family of three-dimensional tetris equip it as a fit to (almost) perfection in every door and available space.
Accomplice an afternoon of incessant rain, I got work to do my first rectangular tart.
As usual, chose the bungler Golosastra trequattromila recipes, has rejected fifteen hundred, has evaluated a couple more, has fished out of the discard recipe base, has mixed among the eligible candidates and has drawn up the variant for the topping, with an eye to the pantry to see if all that was needed. All this to get this end result that I liked a lot '.
If you get voice that I almost half tart jelly alone, do not believe it.
deny, deny everything.


for the base:
250 grams of flour 00
110 grams of soy butter
70 grams of sugar cane
40 grams of milk soy (approximately)
1 / 2 vanilla bean 1 pinch of salt

for the topping: 400 gr
soy milk 40 g sugar cane
20 grams of flour 00
20 gr cornstarch
30 grams of soy butter
1 / 2 vanilla bean
1 / 2 teaspoon turmeric
a handful of almond slivers

Prepare in advance the basis for pseudofrolla: Cut butter into chunks soya, sift the flour and arrange a fountain in the center add the margarine, sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla (with a boxcutter berry open and scrape out the seeds). work fast with your hands and then add the milk a little at a time until you will get a smooth dough. (Depending on the type of flour you may well need a little more or less). Form a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and allow to rest in the refrigerator (at least half an hour).
For the filling: Prepare a cremasimilpasticcera, mixing in a bowl the flour with the starch and turmeric, adding a wire about 50 grams of soy milk, stirring vigorously with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming.
In a saucepan bring to boil the remaining milk, sugar and vanilla seeds, then add the mixture previously prepared without stirring, then add the cream mandrorla. Boil, stirring constantly, for about five minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, remove from the refrigerator fintafrolla, roll with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 2 mm and covered the pan (mine is rectangular, 35x11cm, but the base of the recipe was for a round mold diameter 24 cm). Lining the inside with a sheet of greaseproof paper, fill with dried beans and cook for about 20 '.
Remove from the oven base, liberatela from the paper and beans.
Work quickly now warmed cream, pour it carefully into the concavity of the base, level with a spatula and spread on the surface of a handful of flaked almonds.
Bake again for about ten minutes until the top is golden cream and toasted almonds.
Remove from the oven, let cool completely (if you resist the taste, let it shrink to the cream in the fridge overnight).

note: and if I tried to make a custard with almond milk? We welcome suggestions!
The decision to use the almond cream, is due to a virtuoso moment 'svuotadispensa'. I know that it is an ingredient that is not available to everyone, but I assure you that if you like almonds, you should try at least once. I had bought a case of love at first sight for the recipe for Alice !

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ho To Treat Folliculitis

The Song of the Spirits Finding your own voice

Price € 6.20
The Meeting Point
Edition - Book - 142 Pages

shamanic chant help re-establish communication with the forces of nature. Each new resonance energy is a gift, a revelation, a transformation tool ...

Philippe Barraqué - is a musicologist, music therapist, writer (He has a series of books, some of which are also published in Italy), composer and vocalist of great talent. Graduated from the Academy and owner of un dottorato di musicologia presso l'Università di Parigi, questo poliedrico artista si è specializzato nello studio degli stati modificati di coscienza indotti dai suoni e nell'azione ristrutturante della voce su cellule, ghiandole endocrine e sistema nervoso.

DELLO STESSO AUTORE DI "Il Canto degli Spiriti"

Alle sorgenti del canto sacro
Viaggi nella voce
Il Canto degli Spiriti
La voce che guarisce


The Shamanic Journey (with CD enclosed)
The Power of Belief
The Shamanic Way of the Four Sacred Elements
Gaia, the Magic Planet
The Four Elements of Change
How Making Your Dreams
Live with Passion
We Sparks of Light
Learning to Live
Your Free Thought